Some places on our dear planet are even seemingly designed or created purely to give the people there some peace of mind. Let’s take a look at some calm and remote places that can heal your exhausted soul.

Some places on our dear planet are even seemingly designed or created purely to give the people there some peace of mind. Let’s take a look at some calm and remote places that can heal your exhausted soul.
Ladakh is a truly unique place as it is packed with all kinds of beautiful temples, stupas, and monasteries. Perched high up in the mountains, surrounded by cold air and breathtaking scenery, the monasteries of Leh Ladakh seem to be out of this world.
India is a country of ancient mysteries, healing practices, vibrant culture, and scientific discoveries. Yet despite all the progress, it still has lots of hidden nooks where people have been living the same way for hundreds of years.
Spiti Valley to the camel rides of Rajasthan, here are India’s top 8 adventure travel destinations.
Last night, the spire and the wooden roof of the Notre-Dame Cathedral got caught in a losing battle with its ultimate nemesis – blazing fire. In just a few minutes the fire spread all over the roof, eating everything flammable in its way, leaving millions of people watching this tragedy unfold in tears.
Wherever you go in India you’ll experience more colors than you’ve ever had in your life. From the pink walls of Jaipur to the ghats of Varanasi, we present you 8 most colourful places of India.
One of the largest nations and democracies of all time, India is an amalgamation of beautiful landmasses, each with their own cultures and economies. And as the nation is growing, so are these individual states. But since the growth among them is not always equal, we’ve have charted out the top 10 that currently have the best running economical position.
Clock towers are amazing feats of architecture. They’re built to be looked at – hence the big clock on them – and they’ll usually single handedly impact a city’s skyline. Pretty much every big city in the world has one so it only makes sense that these have become more and more reestablished as tourist attractions, becoming a part of a city’s culture and heritage.
There are many natural water attractions that you can find around the world, at the same time it is interesting to see how people managed to turn water to their advantage. Enjoy this list of unusual water attractions.
Let’s take a look at some of the tallest mountains that you can visit to get an amazing view on the world. You’ll probably have to climb a bit, though.
Indian festivals and holy celebrations are among the most significant events in the country. All quarrels are forgotten, special food is prepared, and Hindu gods and goddesses receive the attention of the people all across India. Needless to say, this spring’s Navratri is also going to be big and exciting as it marks the ending of spring and the beginning of truly hot summer days. Here are 8 things you need to know about Navratri April 2019.
Let’s take a look at some amazing royal palaces that you actually can find on your travels around the world.
Asia is a great place to discover. It is very easy to realise that no place is the same as another whilst there.
Holi, the world-famous festival of colours, is a sight you will never forget. Bright clouds of powder dye thrown into the air, the cheering of the crowd, loud music, dancing, laughing, water guns with coloured water – this is what you’ll see during Holi wherever you go!
India is a place of magnificent Himalayan views, ancient temples, legendary ruins, and sacred grounds that have existed for hundreds upon hundreds of years. It’s a country that houses huge modern cities like Mumbai and Bangalore along with picturesque beaches, scenic hill stations, and exotic islands. Even an experienced traveller will have a hard time choosing where to go first…
Eastern Europe has recently become a hotspot for tourists from all around the world. While there are destinations suggested by travel agents, the best places are always hidden away…
Spring is a magical time of year when everything is in bloom, the weather seems to have the perfect balance between hot and cold and there are not many tourists around. Check out the list of stunning spring destinations which will be perfect for a short getaway as well as a great holiday destination.
Kyle Huber uses a very simple trick to instantly turn holiday pictures into something unique and cool. Through his excellent use of perspective, he sort of “interacts” with the background of whatever he’s taking a picture of, immediately making the scene look ten times more dynamic.
White sand beaches are boring, guys. Those are where everybody goes. Why not do something original this year and choose a black sand beach this year?
Kumbh Mela festival is by far the greatest peaceful gathering in human history, which happens on a regular basis. Want to know more? Here are 8 facts you need to know…