“Fast food” usually also means “cheap food”, but there’s apparently a whole lot of expensive fast food as well!

“Fast food” usually also means “cheap food”, but there’s apparently a whole lot of expensive fast food as well!
Halloween is creeping up on us, slow but steadily. Some of you have already figured out if you’re going to play the annual dress up game, and maybe even decided on what character you’re going to be. But if you’re still lost and looking for a quick and easy ideas, here are 12 easy but still fun Halloween costumes for guys!
Mondays suck, don’t they? Let’s take a look at some things you can do on a Monday that might make it suck less. It probably won’t. But it might.
Vanilla, chocolate, caramel… or maybe something crazy like Lucuma or Kinako? What do you mean you don’t have those in your local store? You’re missing out!
A well-timed surge of adrenaline can save your life, or at the very least make you faster and stronger than before… temporarily, of course. This could be the reason why people like horror movies, extreme sports, and roller coasters.
Here’s a few good ideas for your first dates.
Let’s take a look at the countries that have the best education money can buy. For this, we’re taking into account the level of education and how much it’ll cost you to study.
Here is a look at the 12 best countries to visit if corn nog and bean sprouts are your idea of a savory dinner.
When you’re rich and famous, you get used to a certain lifestyle and always getting everything you need in an instant.
Your last day of work should be something memorable to close the chapter exactly the way you want to. You only get one last day of work, after all – you should make it count.
Have you ever thought of getting a weird tattoo done? I’m not talking some elvish gibberish from Lord of the Rings, or an unseen Lovecraftian terror from the deep, no. I’m talking about a transforming tattoo!
If you’re even a teensy bit interested in the fate of your beloved fictional characters, you know there’s a “Great Wall” dividing the fans: DC or Marvel. You gotta choose. So, DC be able to turn the tides? What would it take to dethrone Marvel? Let’s try to figure these questions out. Here are 7 ways how DC can still surpass Marvel!
Folks, Anna Kendrick is talented. We’ve decided the time has come to dish out some more facts about the lovely Miss Kendrick that you will undoubtedly pass along to your friends.
Here’s a look at a few hypothetical jobs that might give you an idea of what it might look like in the future.
Who agrees with me that streets are totally awesome?
If you’ve recently become a father or you’re thinking of spawning male offspring in the near future, here’s a few things every father should teach his son.
If you’re looking to save some money in new ways, take a look!
Here’s a quick reminder for your next shopping list.
YouTube videos are like real life celebrities – the more popular they become, the more people hate them. And in case with music videos it’s even more true. Sure your favorite local rock band may have 10k views and like a thousand likes, but that’s a drop in the bucket compared to the most watched music videos. When a video gets billions of views, a few million dislikes doesn’t look so bar, right?
Sure, for us, humans, these powers are a stuff of fiction, but apparently, Mother Nature didn’t get the memo and gave extraordinary abilities to some animals.