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8 Celebrities That Invest Heavily Into Technology

Technology is amazing and it’s moving forward at an incredible pace. And while we can all reap the rewards of technological advancements in the world, fast progress usually requires huge amounts of money. If you’re going to be looking for money, the smartest thing to do is probably to attract the attention of a couple of celebrities.

Things Tattoo Artists Hate So You Can Avoid Doing Them

Getting ink is a stressful moment for all parts involved. While it’s obviously a huge moment and you’ll be pretty excited to get your tattoo done, there’s a couple of things that tattoo artists absolutely hate. If you want to avoid doing them on your next appointment, look below.

10 Languages That Are Difficult To Learn

Learning a new language might be a fun aspect of that, because there’s honestly no downside in learning a second (or third or fourth) language.And if you’re going to learn a new language, you might as well challenge yourself. Thankfully, science has determined what the most difficult to learn languages are if you’re an English speaker.

10 World’s Most Popular Museums

If the International Council of Museums is to be trusted, there are over 55,000 museums in the world. Some small, others huge, but regardless of their size they all have incredible pieces on display. Here are 10 world’s most popular museums!

Ten Signs a Girl is Checking You Out

Guys, don’t look now but that girl at the cafe or nightclub or houseparty or baseball game or your cousin’s Bar Mitzvah or at the park or the library is totally checking you out. Or is she? There’s really only one way to find out and that’s to read this article!

9 World’s Scariest Roller Coasters

A well-timed surge of adrenaline can save your life, or at the very least make you faster and stronger than before… temporarily, of course. This could be the reason why people like horror movies, extreme sports, and roller coasters.