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8 Binge-Worthy Scandinavian TV Shows

Scandinavian TV shows have always been known for their atmosphere, pretty pictures, and sudden plot twists. It’s not a secret that Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are famous for their detective stories and head-spinning investigations. Here’s a list of the binge-worthy Scandinavian TV shows that are definitely worth a look.

Every Live Action Catwoman From Worst To Best

If there’s something Catwoman hasn’t quite nailed though, it’s her implementation on the silver screen. Let’s take a look at all the versions we’ve seen, starting with the worst and ending it with the best.

7 Seriously Messed Up Movies that Caused People to Walk Out

Some movies strive to make you laugh, others – to make you cry; some show you happy endings, others – the brutal reality. There are, however, movies that have failed to grasp the viewers’ curiosity or simply grossed them out so much that the movie-goers left the theater.

The Biggest Celebrity Hipsters

Celebrities, and especially the ones working in Hollywood, have a tendency to shape the path of fashion and style that we, filthy plebs, have to follow. Yet some of the people “on the inside” have separated themselves from this movement over the years, not caring about the fancy dresses or the standard lifestyles. They’ve essentially become celebrity hipsters.

Books That Were Turned Into Horrible Movies

Maybe the visual style doesn’t match, maybe parts of the story get lost, or maybe they just cut out too much because of time constraints – whatever the reason, here are some great books that got turned into horrible movies

11 TV Characters Who Dated People Out of Their League

They say love is blind, but looking at some of the couples on TV, I’m starting to think it’s also deaf and mute. Granted, we all love the drama that comes with a good old-fashioned love story, I just don’t know how in the world these particular couples would ever fall for each other. In the real world, things are different, but on TV is seems that anyone has a shot with anyone, so here are 11 TV characters who dated people way out of their league.

Top 7 Movies Destroyed By Saucy Scandals

Scandals can either make or break a movie’s box office performance. Controversies can help to attract more people who want to see what all the fuss is about, or they’ll just scare everyone away. So, naturally, controversies and scandals aren’t always the right answer. You really don’t want people to associate your movie with something horrible like sexual abuse, or racism, do you? Here are the top 7 movies destroyed by saucy scandals.

10 Most Badass Fight Scenes in the MCU (pre-Infinity-War)

Comic book movies are the best, but only if you don’t try to apply too much real-world logic to the plot, and especially you should not question the physics. Let’s just say, as long as your disbelief is dangling nicely in the air, you’ll love Marvel movies.

7 Actors Whose Career Were Ruined by the Oscars

Getting that elusive Oscar is an important achievement and the highest form of recognition for every actor. However, in some cases, this little statuette can make things worse and sometimes literally destroy peoples’ careers, becoming a “bad omen” of sorts.

9 Actors That Became Great Directors

Throughout the years, many actors and actresses have at some point made the jump to a career in directing. Let’s take a look at some of the people that weren’t entirely bad at it.