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Top 10 Best Movies in the Fantasy Genre

If you are a fan of fascinating stories with fantastic elements, then you know a fantasy world when you see one. It’s a place where everything is possible: dragons, magic, time travels, mythical creatures and spells, fictional countries and races, extraordinary abilities…

You Can Now Fight For Your Own Iron Throne Thanks To The GoT Marketing Team

The last marketing stunt the GoT Marketing Team is doing before the last season launches on April 14th is probably a very big one: they’re placing six Iron Thrones all around the world and you can actually sit on them yourselves. The catch is that the locations are unknown and you have to find them according to a picture of the location they’re currently sitting in. Currently thrones have been found in Brazil, Spain, the UK and Sweden.

Top 10 Most Badass TV And Movie Characters of All Time

Many of us like adventure films of TV shows for the simplicity of the plot, dynamic action, and the ability to entertain the viewers, without making us strain our brains too much. A plot twist here and there, huge explosions, monstrous creatures, and an adrenaline-filled car chase are everything our growing body needs to survive.

9 Greatest Horror Movie Actors

Some actors will be forever etched into our brains as action heroes, others as hilarious comedians, but there are also those that we will forever associate with terror and monsters – the horror movie actors. Here are 9 greatest horror movie icons to have ever walked the earth!