Ard Gelinck, an ingenious artist from the Netherlands uses his Photoshop powers to play with time and bring celebrities back to their youthful days.

Ard Gelinck, an ingenious artist from the Netherlands uses his Photoshop powers to play with time and bring celebrities back to their youthful days.
Christmas can be a testing time of the year, since you have to cherry-pick gifts for everyone around you to prove that you know their deepest, darkest desires. Nobody wants to be the “bad gift” guy, and there’s a few easy ways to avoid that. The obvious solution is to not give anyone any gifts at all, but that’s probably not very nice. Taking the weird route is often a better solution.
Let’s take a look at some colors that’ll really Feng Shui the living bajeezus out of your place in 2020.
So who’s baby Yoda and where did he come from?
Evolutionary biology is the foundation of science because it explains everything. Sadly, lots of people around the world are skeptical of evolution because we are stubborn people who want to believe whatever it is we choose to believe, regardless as to whether it is grounded in evidence.
Here’s a look at 9 legends who aren’t letting their advanced age slow them down.
It’s about time to get your Christmas tree up for the festive season. And while some people like a traditional green red and gold look to their tree, Vilnius Airport decided it’s time to spruce it up a bit and came up with a very original idea for their Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is made up of scissors, lighters, knives and other prohibited items you shouldn’t take on the plane.
We often think that actors portraying our favorite characters on screen are just as lovely as the parts they play. A few charming interviews and you’re all over them. But remember, they’re actors, pretending to be someone else is what they get paid for. You might find it surprising but quite a few actors you thought were sweethearts are actually pretty mean people in real life.
Even if the show was incredibly popular, it doesn’t mean that everything went smoothly behind the scenes.
Christmas is a great time to spend with your family; this is a wonderful chance to fulfill your desires and dreams. Thanks to the winter holiday break, we have the opportunity to relax and enjoy a good movie or two, so here are ten hilarious Christmas movies for you and your family!
Let’s dive deep into our past and fondly remember these 12 snacks, desserts and treats from our childhood.
Ever since his first role in “The Goonies”, Josh Brolin has become one of Hollywood’s top requested actors. There’s so much stuff people don’t know about his career and personal life, that I think it’s about time we unveil the 6 most fascinating facts about Josh Brolin!
Imagine if someone else played Wolverine, like, for example, Russel Crowe? If you believe in the theory of the multiverse, know that on one of those Earths, that’s exactly how things went down. If some famous actors had not rejected roles, we would have completely different movies.
Many film snobs say that the golden age of “The Big Director” is over. Everyone is complaining about all the remakes, all the sequels, and all the cookie-cutter movies being made today. However, there are still directors (both contemporary and from the past) that are still widely known. Bring their name up in conversation, and 99 times out of 100, people will know who you’re talking about.
Vivien Szaniszlo, an artist from Hungary, decided that it’s time to reveal the typical personality characteristics of each Zodiac sign in a special, new way. And we’re sure that these amazing portraits of women as Zodiac signs will blow your mind!
India is a place of magnificent Himalayan views, ancient temples, legendary ruins, and sacred grounds that have existed for hundreds upon hundreds of years. It’s a country that houses huge modern cities like Mumbai and Bangalore along with picturesque beaches, scenic hill stations, and exotic islands. Even an experienced traveller will have a hard time choosing where to go first…
Here’s a few plausible theories for what we get to see in Avengers: Endgame based on the information we have right now.
Let’s take a minute to appreciate how astonishing these 15 French actors and actresses looked when they got their first role, and how drastically some of them have changed over the years.