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8 Supporting Characters Who Stole the Spotlight

It must be so great to be the leading star in a movie or a really popular TV show. Well, at least until you’re upstaged by your own co-stars! Sometimes the supporting character literally save the show from being canceled, or become the saving grace of the film. Don’t believe me? Take a look at these 8 supporting characters who stole the spotlight.

These Luxury Items Are Entirely Pointless

Have you ever had spare money at the end of the month and wondered what you should spend it on? No? Well, it’s because you’re middle class and middle class is the new poor! Well, then this article probably isn’t for you. Just in case you’re filthy rich…

12 Things that Were Banned For Ridiculous Reasons. Who Says Government Can’t Be Absurd?

Governments don’t always do the right thing with laws they create. Sure, many of them are there to protect us. They (hopefully) make sure we don’t get murdered, that our belongings remain ours, that we are treated fairly before the law, and that there is some fundamental security that we feel we can count on. However, some laws seem just absolutely nutty and really make us scratch our heads. Some might even say they are absurd and insane. Sometimes things, books, people, and ideas just get banned because someone “up there” wanted it to be so. Here are 12 things that were banned for ridiculous reasons.

10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

These 10 dog breeds could probably kill you in a matter of minutes, if you decide to test them. So, please, don’t. Just pet them and they’ll love you forever, but ask their owner first before you pet!