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8 Dark Realities About Being Single

Anyway, while not feeling chained to somebody might feel liberating for a while, eventually you will discover that there are a lot of terrible things associated with not being in a committed relationship. Here’s a look at eight dark realities about singlehood, if you dare!

8 Most Amazing Advanced Robots That Will Change Our World | Brain Berries

8 Most Amazing Advanced Robots That Will Change Our World

We’ve all seen the movies, Bladerunner, Robocop. AI, Terminator and iRobot to name but a few. Will our future as a planet include robots in some form? Will robots one day rule the world? There are already some impressive and almost shocking robots that exist and function very similar to humans in some ways. Take a look at this list of the world’s most advanced robots and decide if one day we all will be ‘Terminated’!

7 Gadgets & Inventions that Could Save Our Planet

Everyday we hear about the impact humans and technology is making on the planet. Cars, factories and the excessive consumption of the Earth’s resources will only end in disaster. Inventors and high tech companies around the world are starting to focus on gadgets that can in fact help with this problem.

The Couples that Changed the Course of History

You’ve heard about Alexander the Great, Emelia Earhart, Lenin, and George Washington. History is full of individuals that, in one way or another, changed the history of our world. However, sometimes changing history is a team effort, and these are the couples that changed the...

An Architect has Designed a House that’s Carved Into a Rock

There are many creative things one can do with a home. There’s a very wide range of styles you can incorporate in your interior design. You can always spice your room up with some Hue lights. You can add plants. You can be adventurous and build a nice hipster cabin in the woods. However, whatever you do, it (unfortunately) will not surpass this amazing design of a house that is carved into a rock.

11 Animals That Can Change Gender

Gender isn’t always binary. Mother Nature doesn’t make gender a choice between one and another. In fact, in the animal kingdom there are many creatures that walk the line between male and female, changing gender based on their environment, availability of partners, and other biological needs. Others, still, display characteristics of both male and female creatures of their species.

9 Inventions By Women That Changed The World

In a world full of technological advances, gadgets and devices to make life easier (or harder!) most of us assume many of these marvellous things were the work of men. That is not always the case women too have created brilliant inventions that bless our lives.

The Most Famous Clock Towers In The World

Clock towers are amazing feats of architecture. They’re built to be looked at – hence the big clock on them – and they’ll usually single handedly impact a city’s skyline. Pretty much every big city in the world has one so it only makes sense that these have become more and more reestablished as tourist attractions, becoming a part of a city’s culture and heritage.

Real Stories Behind Real Memes

Most memes you’ve seen dozens of times have an actual backstory attached to them, though. Sadly, this story gets lost most of the time. Let’s take a deep dive into meme history and find the truth behind popular memes.