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True or False: Fact-Checking 10 Moments From The Irishman

When making a movie based on real life events, the studio often uses some poetic license to make the narrative more compelling. This often includes leaving out key people, cramming several events into a shorter time frame in order to keep the story moving, or flat out making things up for the sake of making the movie more dramatic.

Villains Need Love Too – A Series Of Illustrations

We think that villains are the best characters in movies, provided that they’re well written and not one dimensional. They’re often just misunderstood or hurt characters that didn’t feel accepted or wanted, who then took control of their life and proceeded to right all the wrongs in the worst way possible. Do you ever wonder what their life would be like if they got enough love and support?

9 Movies Brad Pitt Ruined

Brad Pitt is a great actor when he wants to be and when he puts in the effort. During his long career in Hollywood, he got to play some amazing parts and did a great job. But he’s been in some bad movies too, and this list is just a reminder that not every movie can be saved by Brad Pitt being in it.

Amazing Hotels Where You Can Watch The Northern Lights

The northern lights, or aurora borealis as the academics would have you say, are one of the most awe-inspiring natural phenomena to look at with your own eyes. The only downside to the northern lights is that camping out in a tent when it’s freezing and the temperature is barely above “don’t freeze to death in an hour” degrees Celsius isn’t too pleasant a prospect. Having a nice hotel where you can watch the northern lights might be a good idea.

The 8 Best Horror Movies of 2019 | Brain Berries

The 8 Best Horror Movies of 2019

Do note that these are the best movies we’ve had this year, which is by no means a guarantee that they’re good. They’re just all we’ve got right now.

The Historical Sights We Lost In The Last 5 Years

We tend to take things for granted. We’re used to seeing beautiful nature and gorgeous architecture and tend to think that if it survived hundreds of years before us, it will be here for hundreds of years from now. But that’s just simply not true. If we don’t learn to take care of our surroundings we will ruin them and be left with nothing.

How Healthy Body Image Changed Through History

We keep hearing in the media about obesity rates skyrocketing but we’re also all obsessed with looking fit. But what is fit? What’s a healthy body? Is there one ideal for all? Let’s take a walk down memory lane and see what was considered healthy throughout history.

Top 9 Most Dangerous Jobs in the World

You may think that you have a crappy job sitting in a cubicle all day, and yes, it’s pretty bad, you have no idea what some other people go through during their workday. At any moment, then can get hurt or even die! How’s that for a bad case of Mondays?

7 Disney Stars Who Are Much Older Than You Thought | Brain Berries

7 Disney Stars Who Are Much Older Than You Thought

Kids and teens have always loved watching movies and TV shows on the Disney Channel. Those young actors and actresses were like Roman gods to the new generation. So many idols to follow, so many clever lines to put into memes! But did you know that a lot of those young stars were much older than you thought?

9 Must-Have Holiday Gadgets for Tech Lovers | Brain Berries

9 Must-Have Holiday Gadgets for Tech Lovers

In our day and age, finding a perfect tech gift can be either extremely hard or super easy, as there are hundreds of new gadgets coming out every year. New phones, new smartwatches, constant innovations, fun gizmos nobody really needs – the choice is yours!

Top 7 Best Horror Parody Movies

If you’re one of the countless movie fans who like to tickle their nerves with some intense thrills, but you also want to have a good laugh, we have some excellent news for you! There are definitely funny horror movies out there, and you’re about to find out about which ones you should like because the internet told you so.