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The 9 Best Superhero TV Shows of All Time

Marvel and DC are making movies that hit millions like it’s nobody’s business and even M. Night Shyamalan figured now was the right time to finish off his superhero trilogy with his movie Glass. It’s hard to step into a movie theater and not find a superhero movie playing at that moment. Let’s take a look at some superheroes you can watch without having to leave the house and interact with other people. So here, we’re celebrating the 9 best superhero shows of all time. Enjoy!

6 Most Fascinating Unsolved Mysteries Of Ancient India

India is a land filled with wonders and mysteries most of which have remained unsolved for thousands of years. Generations of scientists both in and outside of India have been trying to solve some of its biggest puzzles, and yet, the answers still evade them. From the enigmatic iron pillar of Delhi to the bizarre disappearance of the whole Indus Valley Civilization, we present you 6 most fascinating unsolved mysteries of Ancient India.