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15 Crazy Facts That Will Make You Say ‘No Way!’

What do we really know about the world we live in? There are facts that we take for granted because someone said they were true. But none of us has actually checked them using our own eyes, hands and ears. We think it’s just common sense, but is it really so? Or maybe we’re being constantly deceived by a bunch of people? There are ‘facts’ so incredible that it’s hard to tells if they’re false or not. Here’s a bunch of crazy statements that will make your jaw drop.

10 Famous People That Could Be Superheroes

There are some people out there who can push the limits of what we consider to be “normal” in a good way, leading to some unique thing that they can do. And they’re famous, so why not give them a little shine with that nice lil’ spotlight of ours?

7 Spine-Chilling Mysteries from India

India’s culture is among the most ancient in the world and is rich with gods, monsters, demons and all kinds of deities. It’s a country where people take supernatural for granted and don’t doubt for a second there are things and creatures more powerful than human beings and that karma makes all things happen. So it comes as no surprise that in a country like this there are mysteries that cannot be solved neither by scientists, nor by priests and philosophers. Here are 7 mind-bending mysteries of India.

9 Celebrities Who Are Battling Chronic Diseases

It is true that stars can get ill just like the rest of us and some of them are quite vocal about their diseases, yet others prefer to keep their health problems a secret. They may be gorgeous-looking, rich and famous, but when it comes to chronic diseases, all human beings are just the same. Here’s a list of celebrities who are struggling with chronic diseases while leading active lives as actors, actresses and performers.

5 Most Powerful Militaries in the World

Every country needs an army, but not all countries can afford the expenses or even the personnel to get to the top most powerful militaries in the world.
The following entries were calculated taking into account factors like the number of active personnel (5% of total score), tanks (10%), attack helicopters (15%), aircraft (20%), aircraft carriers (25%), and submarines (25%). So, without further ado, let’s dig in!

Top 10 of the Strangest Jobs on Earth

Avoiding the obvious strange job – being Dr. Strange – let’s take a look at some strange jobs that will make you feel better about your job. Unless it’s on this list, in which case you have my sincerest condolences.

30 Celebs Who Are Actually the Same Age

Some celebs look great at 30, 40, 50 and up, while others simply can’t, or don’t want to, keep up with the time. For example, did you know that Matthew Perry and Paul Rudd are both 47? Fourty seven, Carl! And when you compare their pictures, you’d never believe Rudd is that old, or that Perry is ONLY 47.
That stuff is bonkers, so let’s check out 30 celebs (technically 60, I guess?) who are actually the same age!

Top 10 Rarest Cars on Earth

These cars are purely motorized e-peen and have no real practical use, let’s take a look at some of the rarest cars to grace this wonderful planet.

6 Mind-Boggling Mistakes That Have Changed the Course of History

We all make mistakes – this is what actually makes us human. It’s true that nobody’s perfect, but the mistakes of some people have more consequences than those made by others. If something goes wrong in the laboratory of a chemist or a geneticist, the impact of that mistake might change the whole world. It’s the same with people who have a lot of influence in the society. Nevertheless, even the greatest philosophers and psychologists can be wrong about different things. Here are 6 mind-bending mistakes that have changed human history.

10 Millionaires That Have Changed the World

Most of the world famous geniuses became wealthy as a result of their incredible ideas, not because they purposefully wanted to become rich. These people were inventors, engineers, and revolutionists in various fields of science and economics. They believed in themselves and that’s what made them truly successful. Here are 10 millionaires that have changed the world.

5 Weird Prohibitions of Ancient Rome

When someone mentions Ancient Rome, you almost always think of insane orgies, or remarkable architecture, depending on your preferences. But what almost nobody mentions about are some of their idiotic laws and prohibitions, especially when viewed from a modern-day perspective.
Let’s quickly jump in on those and judge the filthy Romans, as if we’re any better than them! Enjoy!

10 Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Baffle Scientists

We are used to thinking that ancient world was not as developed as our modern civilization. But is that actually true? They are as different from us as we are from the people that will be living on Earth in a thousand years. They had their own gods, belief systems, and yes, technologies as well. Some of the archaeological finds we make today reveal that thousands of years ago people were using mechanisms of incredible complexity. Some of them still baffle scientists as they can’t figure out what those gizmos were used for! Here’s a list of 10 ancient finds of unknown origin.

7 Weird IG Accounts You Should Follow

Instagram has been around for a long time and people have really learned how to use it to attract audiences. Some post kittens, birdies and other cute animals, while others focus on their own lives and hobbies. Yet, there are others who use it to promote art and all sorts of crazy and fun ideas. Here’s a list of 7 incredibly fun and weird Instagram accounts you should definitely check out.

10 Things Americans Find Really Weird About Mexicans

It’s probably not a big secret that different nations do things a little differently, this includes Mexicans as well, of course. While many Americans might find the following traditions somewhat strange, Mexicans know that they only make them stand out. Let’s see what the Americans find weird about their Southern neighbors and their traditions.

10 Things No One Knows About Mexico

There’s so much you don’t know about Mexico! The history of bullfighting, the origin of chocolate and chili, the infamous Tabasco sauce that’s named after a Mexican state, but is actually produced in the U.S. – these facts are only the tip of the iceberg that’s called ‘Mexico’. Here are a few things that will totally change your perception of this country.

7 Ancient Mexican Artifacts That Could Have Been Made by Aliens

Ancient civilizations that used to exist on the territory of modern day Mexico have left hundreds of relics and artifacts, some of which are of unknown origin. Many people still wonder whether Mayans and Aztecs could have created these amazing objects by themselves. Did they, perhaps, have some help from beings that were much more developed than we could ever imagine? This would explain the vast knowledge pre-Columbian cultures had about space and stars. Here are a few finds that might prove that humans had contact with extraterrestrial beings in the past.