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Best Gordon Ramsay Insults

When you hear “cooking show” and “insults”, what do you think? Exactly, Gordon Ramsay. He’s a good cook and he’ll manage to properly get the message across if you’ve done something wrong. Pretty much every show with this guy is about him insulting people, so let’s take a look at some of his greatest hits.

10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2017

I hope I don’t have to tell you that 2017 movies are going to be freaking amazing. It’s true! While trying to select just 10 of the upcoming movies was incredibly challenging, since I had to leave out some of my personal favorites for this year. But it’s fine, I’ll definitely go see them a couple of times. Without further ado, let’s jump in and count down the 10 most anticipated movies of 2017!

10 Mysterious Unexplained Photos That Might Freak You Out

Long before the Internet and all the crazy photo editing specialists, 99.9% of the photos were legit, meaning that everything caught on film was actually there. And sometimes people managed to catch all sorts of creepy and unreal phenomena: UFO sightings, ghosts, freaky creatures, and more! So, let’s take a look at 10 mysterious photos that are yet to be explained.

10 Unsolved Mysteries That Still Baffle Scientists

Since the beginning of its existence humanity has been curious about the surrounding world trying to figure out how things work and why the Universe is the way it is. All kinds of sciences appeared to answer the most baffling questions, but sometimes instead of answering them scientists just find another bunch of questions that make the world seem even more mysterious. With the string theory and quantum physics it would seem that we’re on the right track, but the Universe is still a huge enigma and there’s just so much we don’t understand. Here are 10 crazy mysteries that baffle scientists all over the world.

40 Ryan Reynolds Tweets That Prove He’s The Hero We Deserve

If you’ve been to Imgur, 9GAG, or whatever site you’re using to get your daily laughs, you’ve probably seen Ryan Reyniolds’ tweets pop-up here and there during the past 2 years or so. Before, during, and after his movie “Deadpool” was released. So, without further ado, let’s see those 40 Ryan Reynolds tweets, that prove he’s the hero we deserve!

10 Most Badass Hollywood Actors Of The New Generation

Every year talent agencies in Hollywood uncover new fantastic actors and actresses, who will become iconic one day, just like the “old masters”. Some people spend years trying to reach the top while others only need that one (or three) chance to show the world how badass they actually are! So here’s a list of 10 fantastic actors who can give the past generation icons, like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, a run for their money.

10 Futuristic Gadgets No One Saw Coming

We’ve all been watching sci-fi movies since we were kids, trying to imagine what the future would look like.We’re pretty sure soon enough artificial intelligence will control our flights, smart robots will help us build spaceships and teleport will be the most mundane and usual thing ever. Here are 10 unbelievable gadgets that prove we are already in the future.

5 Smart Gadgets To Help You Sleep Tight in 2017

How well do you sleep at night? If your answer was “pretty freaking great” – just move on to the next article. But if you’re having some issues catching the Z’s, I got 5 amazing new gadgets for you! Of course, you can always go with the old and tried method of drinking yourself to sleep, but maybe it’s time to reconsider this part of your daily routine. Either way, I’m happy to bring to your attention 5 sleep-improving gadgets that will change your life!

3 Online Games that Made People Rich

Playing online is perhaps the favorite pastime for those born into the generations Y and Z (those born in the late 1980s and beyond). It all started with word games played in chatrooms. Later, as the ‘net became faster, and the computers stronger, the games themselves became more elaborate and immersive. Today, we have an amazing variety of games we can play online, covering every genre from crosswords and puzzles to shooters and role-playing titles. These games are most of the times ways to pass time – sometimes, in turn, they can become not only a steady source of income but ways to strike it rich. Like in the case of the three games below.

14 Celebrity Friendships That Have Stood The Test Of Time

Celebrity friendships can sometimes be immune to the test of time. They plow through all the struggles our regular normal people friendships have to plow through, and they make it out a lot stronger than they were before. The celebrity friendships below are a prime example of that.