Japanese horror is far superior to Western horror in its nuances, deep lore, and stunning effects. They are more psychological, twisted, and do not always have a happy ending.

Japanese horror is far superior to Western horror in its nuances, deep lore, and stunning effects. They are more psychological, twisted, and do not always have a happy ending.
Unique shapes, rare materials, and interior decorations can tell a lot about homeowners.
2022 may not be the best year to change your country of residence, but if you absolutely have to, you need to weigh your options.
Every scene looks very realistic and clean to the point that people call his animated movies “Japanese Disney.”
It’s been almost 70 years since the first Miss Universe was announced!
Are you ready to feel the ghostly chill?
Children like weird and colorful foods, even if it’s just regular mashed potatoes in the shape of some Disney character. Whatever is more fun – they will consume it! This is why some parents dabble in the art of cooking to make their little “food snobs” happy.
The general trend for marriage these days has shifted globally. The more economically stable and advanced the country is, the later people seem to get married.
Here is a special little Corgi named Gen. He lives in Japan and like most Corgis, he’s got a long tail, which makes him stand out for sure. On top of that, he also makes the most adorable facial impressions, something that many have noticed and why he’s a legit internet celebrity.
We present to you the revolutionary Neko Cups!
Let’s take a look at some of the biggest wet markets in the world.
When people say that cooking is an artform they rarely mean making toast. But artist and designer Manami Sasaki proves that you can turn toast into art if that’s what you wish to do.
All around the world, there are cities with a fascinating history. Some civilizations built new cities on top of ancient ruins, while others developed close to famous historical sites.
When the snow starts to fall and the chilly wind begins to blow, you just want to stay at home and wrap yourself in blankets, right? No! You want to get out there and make the most of the winter wonderland destinations both near and far. But with so many to choose from, where should you go?
Traveling solo is one of the best ways to see the world and grow as a person. There’s nothing like being left to your own devices when you’re being pulled out of your regular environment to help you discover who you are and what you’re capable of. And if you’re looking for some solo travels in the near future, look no further than these amazing destinations.
At one point or another, we’ve all entertained the thought of what it would be like if we ruled over the entire world.And we all realize that getting to the position of “ruler of the world” would likely require military force…
After the end of World War II many of the world’s countries were left in a bad way, Japan had been bombed, Germany had lost most of its power and India was waiting for its independence from the British Empire. Fast forward a few decades and many things have changed for these and other countries in the world, the list of the world’s most technologically advanced countries in 1945 and today are very different! Check out today’s list of the most technologically advanced countries.
Some countries – mostly in Europe – still swear by a monarchy, so let’s take a look at some countries that have held true to that form of government for the longest time.
Do you know any flowers that bloom in winter? We don’t. BUT, there’s a really cool light show in Japan that has the same potential as the flowers. The show is called Touka no Kyouen (Flowers in Winter) and it takes place ever year at...
Having a cup of latte with a quirky pattern on top of it; this is nothing new today. Coffee craft is rapidly evolving to new heights and baristas all over the world have been mastering their skills to show off their talents in creating latte...