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This Edible Toast Art By A Japanese Artist Will Make You Hungry


When people say that cooking is an artform they rarely mean making toast. It’s a phrase mostly reserved for complicated dishes, something like a 3-course dinner or a very fancy tiered cake. But artist and designer Manami Sasaki proves that you can turn toast into art if that’s what you wish to do.

Manami works as a designer for a company and in her free time does exhibitions of her own art in art galleries. She usually paints with watercolors, but during quarantine, she decided to apply her art skills to food. Manami says that before the quarantine she would rarely think about what she eats and would often skip meals or just eat something quickly or on the go. Her goal was to minimize the amount of time spent on food and maximize her working hours.

But having to stay at home because of the world pandemic made her reconsider and change her mind. These days she never skips breakfast. She wakes up early and starts making her artful toast creations. It allows her to pay more attention to what she eats and be grateful for the food and the nourishment.

She buys the ingredients for her toast art in the local market that’s next to her house, she makes sure to never go far and stay at home as much as possible. When creating her toast art Manami focuses both on the visuals and on the taste too. In fact, she says she’s guilty of being very elaborate with small details, but it doesn’t look good on food, so she’s had to pull pack on her detail-oriented perfectionism. Instead, she focuses on making it look like a piece of art but also something that looks yummy and delicious.

She chooses her ingredients based not only on how they look but also on how they taste. Since the whole point of these creations is to make breakfast, it’s important that it not only looks but tastes good too. Manami also doesn’t use any artificial coloring for this project. All of her art-toasts are made from natural ingredients bought locally.

To create these beautiful pieces of toast that are actually edible art she only needs a butter knife and a needle for the small details. That’s all the tools she needs to create these yummy masterpieces. But it takes her quite a while.

Generally, she spends about 3 hours to create one toast. Her creations are usually inspired by her personal interests or other artists that she admires and their artworks. After she’s done, Manami takes a photo of her breakfast art and then toasts it in the oven and takes another picture. This sometimes changes the art on her toast in the most amusing way.

Manami makes these every day for breakfast and posts the results on her Instagram. And while most of us might think it’s too pretty to eat, Manami says that she never feels bad for eating them because that was the whole purpose from the beginning. Plus, they look and smell so delicious that she can barely wait for a minute to take the photo before she bites into it.

We hope Manami’s project inspires you to be more creative with your food, and take the time every day to create something that will be pleasing to look at and a tasty and nutritious treat for your body. Cooking doesn’t have to be stressful, make it into “you time” and treat it as a meditation of sorts that ends with a yummy meal for you. We’re all stuck at home, we might as well use the time to nourish our body and mind.