Here are 8 animals some people still think are real.

Here are 8 animals some people still think are real.
Let’s saddle up our horses and ride through the valley of expensive pets, shall we?
Celebs have the means (and desire!) to get the most unusual animals and turn them into pets, so we could marvel at their ideas or, maybe, cross some of the animals out of our future-pet list. Here are 10 most unusual animals owned by celebrities.
You may think that zoos are mostly amazing, because there you can see all sorts of animals from far away lands, sometimes these animals are on the verge of extinction even, but honestly, 90% of zoos have had horrible incidents. Maybe that’s why there are no “good” zoos in the world.
It’s time to see what’s in the Twitter Cat box! (spoiler alert: it’s lots of cats)
Since there’s no such thing as an annual “Miss Animal Kingdom” pageant, we’ll just list out the top 11 most beautiful animals in the world. According to us.
Winter’s one of those seasons, that you either love or hate. I personally love the cold, but I know for sure, most animals prefer summer heat. One would think they’d have fun playing in the snowflakes, and sliding down the hills, and one would be wrong! Wanna see the proof? Just take a look at these 20 GIFs of animals that hate winter.
It seems that today we’re living in a world devoid of ancient horrors that haunted prehistoric people, and while it may be true to some point (T-Rex is gone for sure), there are still some creatures left around that haven’t changed much since they first appeared millions of years ago. Here are 8 weird creatures that haven’t changed much for the last few millions of years.
Dr. Bryan Fry did some research into the subject and came up with the 10 most painful animal bites in Australia. In case there’s anyone wondering which highly scientific method he used to figure this out: he actually let all of them bite him. So remember: these things hurt a man with steel balls.
When the new creature in the movie appears – that is what gives shivers down your spine. We can only imagine what one or another creature may be capable of, feeling the tension throughout the movie. Let’s remember the scariest ones or reveal new creatures for ourselves.
Do you even need an intro for this? It’s basically cats being cats (as in “assholes”) and going JOHN CENA on everyone and everything! Enoy!
Despite being a relatively small country, the Philippines has a huge biodiversity. Many of those plants and beasts are extremely rare and you won’t be able to see them anywhere else on the planet. In fact, 16 new mammal species have been discovered in the Philippines in the last decade or so. Maybe you’d be the one to discover a brand new animal species in your backyard? Who knows, probably not, but still, go do some exploring!
Say hello to Bum and Rey, two kittens who seem absolute opposites of each other. They differ just like the comedy and tragedy masks. Bum looks permanently heartbroken. Rey is, on the contrary, an always a delighted fuzzball.
Do you believe in friendship between animals and humans? If not, discover these amazing stories of pure friend relationships. If you’ve got a story that belongs on this list, we’d love to have you write about it in the comments!
Have you ever seen cats, dogs, birds, goats and other pets do crazy stuff? Yeah, we’ve all been there, cracking up as we watched our dear pets going bonkers over literally nothing. And how many times have you wished you had a camera to capture their fail? Too many times, right. Fortunately, some people managed to succeed where you and I have failed. So, here are a couple of animal compilation videos that will definitely brighten your boring day.
Most of these “celebs” can afford thousands of balls and tons of dog chow, but they decided to make their owners a bit happier instead. That’s because dogs aren’t a-holes like cats. So, anyway, enjoy my list!
Do you like cats? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be here! You probably have one or more fluffy bastards at home and you’ve taken thousands of pics and videos, hoping that one day your Tabby will do something weird and make you famous on the internet.
This world is so beautiful, but there are a lot of things we don’t really know about. We hate everything that scares us and love everything that make us smile. A lot of us are afraid of spiders and snakes, different lizards and even birds....
Myostatin. We won’t be surprised if you’ve never heard this word before, unless you have a knack for biology. Myostatin is a protein. A very important protein because it controls muscle cell growth. Actually, it inhibits muscle differentiation. Therefore, animals either lacking myostatin or treated...
The selfie (self-photograph) is the most incredible trend to hit over the last few years. Everyone is taking a selfie, with purpose or without it. A selfie is a great way to have fun and annoy Instagram users ( OMG, these girls get me so...