Throughout the 15 incredible seasons of “American Idol,” fifteen people went home as winners, basking in love and fame, but what happened to them next?
Author: Yura Lysenko
The Most Beautiful Twins in the World: What Are They Up To?
Meet Leah Rose and Ava Marie, who have been unofficially crowned as “the most beautiful twins” for the past several years.
8 Stars Who Were Originally Cast In Your Favorite Movies
Did you know that sometimes the iconic actors we see were not the directors’ first choice?
7 Real-Life Humans That Would Put DC and Marvel Mutants to Shame!
Sure, maybe they can’t control the wind and don’t shoot lasers from their ears, but their superpowers are certainly worthy of our attention.
6 Unexpected Effects Spicy Food Has on Your Body
Naturally, the latter has always been the cornerstone of many concerns and speculations about spicy food being harmful. But is it really bad for you?
6 Biggest Scandals of the British Royal Family
Bad romances, tragic divorces, racist jewelry…
Here’s What “Baywatch” Actors Look Like 30 Years Later
Here’s what those hottest Baywatch lifeguards are up to now.
20 Shots from Cult Classics Before and After VFX Magic
We all know that film and TV producers use special effects, but you will be surprised to find out how much CGI is being used even in scenes where it’s seemingly unnecessary.
5 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Natalie Biden
It’s about time we take a closer look at what Natalie Biden is all about!
10 Bollywood Stars Who Started As Child Actors
Many Bollywood actors had started their careers when they were little, but few have achieved success as adults.
What Happened To The Guy With Dreadlocks From Bomfunk MCs “Freestyler”?
22 years ago, in 1999, the world saw Bomfunk MC’s legendary music video, which became a huge global hit overnight…
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” Actors: Where Are They Now?
Let’s take a quick glimpse at how all of our favorite actors have changed and see what they’ve been up to.
9 Cool Genetic Quirks You Didn’t Realize Were Normal
Compared to many other species, all humans have incredibly similar genomes. However, even small changes in our genes or our environment can lead to some very unique traits being developed.
8 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex-Girlfriend
Ending a relationship with your significant other rarely goes smoothly and almost always causes a cascade of emotions on both sides.
15 Famous TV Show Couples Then and Now
What’s so fascinating about TV shows that it makes people huddle up around the screens every day?
9 Most Harmful Foods You Should Avoid Eating At All Costs
Maybe some of you will take it to heart and find the strength to dump the dishes that make you sick.
8 Female Psycho Killers Who Changed the Horror Genre
Women have been labeled the “weaker sex” for centuries, even though some ladies can be way more dangerous than any man.
What Is Clubhouse And Why Is Everyone Hyped About It?
“Just reach out and touch the stars!”
15+ Funny Valentine’s Day Memes
Maybe this year, things will be different with the COVID around, but love conquers all!
6 Most Stunning-Looking Daughters of the US Presidents
Some grow up to be writers, others follow their parents’ steps and get into politics, but absolutely all of them…