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10 Premature Celebration Fails

Remember the old saying “haste makes waste”? This short compilation of 10 premature celebration fails should teach you a good life lesson – it ain’t over till it’s over!

9 Hilarious Disney Face Swaps!

You’ve already seen these Disney princesses all inked up, dressed in a modern fashion, and probably some of their more disturbing iterations, but this time we’re changing the game. Today the heroes of popular fairy tales, myths and stories, you know and love, depicted in the Walt Disney cartoons, became victims of failed face transplantation.

Top 20 Cosplays That Are Far Better Than the Originals

Cosplayers used to be viewed as nerds who dressed up in some weird clothes, but today the cosplay business is up there with haute couture fashion. And if you want to promote your game, book, movie or a comic, there’s no better ad than scantily-clad women parading at some relevant event like Comic-Con or PAX, or SXSW.