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Cristiano Ronaldo Is The Best Photoshop Model Ever

Of course the best thing to do with a vain football player that acts like a sassy model, is turn him into a model. A Photoshop model, that is. It might not be a real job, but today it’s his job. Take Ronaldo in a weird pose, add random shit to it and hilarity is bound to ensue. Let’s take a look at some of the best ones – it’s gonna get Messi!

Top 10 Most Visually Stunning Movies of All Time

Some movies are made in such a beautiful way, that we forgive them any kind of flaws they might have. It’s not all about the visuals, but when the movie’s beautiful, it becomes a kind of picture perfect art in itself that’s not caught in one moment, but is moving constantly from one frame to another. Here are 10 movies with truly stunning visuals.

10 Things Americans Find Really Weird About Mexicans

It’s probably not a big secret that different nations do things a little differently, this includes Mexicans as well, of course. While many Americans might find the following traditions somewhat strange, Mexicans know that they only make them stand out. Let’s see what the Americans find weird about their Southern neighbors and their traditions.

10 Things No One Knows About Mexico

There’s so much you don’t know about Mexico! The history of bullfighting, the origin of chocolate and chili, the infamous Tabasco sauce that’s named after a Mexican state, but is actually produced in the U.S. – these facts are only the tip of the iceberg that’s called ‘Mexico’. Here are a few things that will totally change your perception of this country.

7 Ancient Mexican Artifacts That Could Have Been Made by Aliens

Ancient civilizations that used to exist on the territory of modern day Mexico have left hundreds of relics and artifacts, some of which are of unknown origin. Many people still wonder whether Mayans and Aztecs could have created these amazing objects by themselves. Did they, perhaps, have some help from beings that were much more developed than we could ever imagine? This would explain the vast knowledge pre-Columbian cultures had about space and stars. Here are a few finds that might prove that humans had contact with extraterrestrial beings in the past.

Top 10 Creepy Clowns In Movies And TV

It’s no wonder coulrophobia, the fear of clowns, is such a common thing. Of course Hollywood, as it does, is fully aware of this clown fear. It was only a matter of time before we were flooded with psycho killer clowns, and look where we are today in the 2016th year of baby Jesus. People are no longer just scared of clowns, they’re being conditioned to be scared of them.
So the next time someone wants to watch something with clowns in it and you really hate that bastard’s guts, try these for a change.

Beware of the Dog! (15 Pics)

What if your dog is so nice, it’s the worst burglary repellant in the world? I mean, society demands you put up the “beware of the dog” sign, but not all dogs deserve that moniker.

Creepy Halloween Costumes From The Past

Halloween has been around since the olden days of creepy black-and-white-but-somehow-yellow-now pictures, so what would be better than matching creepy outfits with a creepy style of taking pictures? Exactly, nothing that’s legal.
In an attempt to give you inspiration for your new Halloween outfit, let’s take a look at some old school creepy Halloween costume pictures.

12 Funniest Spanglish Memes

Have you ever been in a situation where you begin a sentence in English y termino en español? Congratulations, you probably speak fluent Spanglish! Must be hard for your friends and family to understand you properly, when you switch back-and-forth between English and Spanish, but you still love doing it anyway, because it’s fun, and it’s how our brains are wired when we know multiple languages.
Now let’s check out 12 memes every Spanglish speaker will definitely relate to.

8 Most Popular Mexican Telenovela Actresses

Mexicans really love watching their TV shows, and no wonder! They have incredibly beautiful women playing the leading roles in some of the most dramatic and complicated Telenovela plots ever created. These gorgeous stars have millions of followers that watch their every step. Not only do these women look stunning, but they are also talented and have built truly successful careers. If you are still not a fan of Mexican TV shows, you’ll definitely become one after you see this list.

15 Disturbing Inanimate Objects Staring at You

Ever had a feeling like someone’s watching you? Well, you might be less crazy than you think! And the saying “walls have ears” is a bit more literal too. They also have eyes and mouths if you really look closely. Not only walls, though! Lots of stuff around you may resemble funny, angry, or creepy faces, and when you see them…Ever had a feeling like someone’s watching you? Well, you might be less crazy than you think! And the saying “walls have ears” is a bit more literal too. They also have eyes and mouths if you really look closely. Not only walls, though! Lots of stuff around you may resemble funny, angry, or creepy faces, and when you see them…

8 Celebrity Couples Who Split After Working Together

Working together is a serious test for any couple, especially when both are actors. Being under stress all the time, with almost no sleep and specific roles that need to be performed – all this can destroy even the healthiest relationships. Actors break up like all ordinary people sometimes do, but unlike us mere mortals, they can’t just drop the movie to get away from the ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend. Here are a few couples whose relationships ended after working together.

You Had One Job! (33 Pictures)

You’ve probably experienced this a bunch of times yourself, when you were distracted at work or got so lazy you couldn’t give a crap. Your brain just goes into an autopilot mode, the hands begin to do their thing, and stuff just happens on its own. There are people, however, who, and I’m just thinking out loud here, do it on purpose. So here are some of each kind. You decide which one’s which.

21 Celebrity Doppelgangers (or at least lookalikes)

Have you ever wondered if there’s anyone else in the world who looks just like you? Wouldn’t it be awesome (or weird, I guess) to see your twin brother from another mother? Hell yeah it would! And chances are that there IS someone who looks a lot like you out there. Since celebs are people too, this means that there’s a poor man’s version of Christian Bale, Scarlett Johansson, and even Emma Watson.

8 Weird Harry Potter Fan Theories That Might Be True

Fans like to get to the bottom of things when it comes to their beloved movies and TV shows. Harry Potter has been around for a long time and fans have kept themselves busy coming up with crazy theories and ideas about different events and plot twists. Think you know who Ron Weasely truly is? You’re up for a big surprise there! Even J. K. Rowling will be stunned to read some of these ideas. But are they true or false? Here are 8 Harry Potter fan theories that will make your head spin.

Things We’ll Miss The Most About Obama

Since his term is slowly but surely coming to a close, let’s take a look at some of the best moments of eight years Obama has graced us with his presence in international politics.