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6 Taboo Things That Might Actually Save Your Relationships

Who decides what’s good and what’s bad for relationships? Especially when it’s your relationship and only you and your partner know exactly what’s going on between the two of you. Yet society thinks it knows best, that’s why there exists so many rules as to what’s good for a couple and what they should never ever do. But you know what? Only you and you alone can tell what harms your relationships and what makes them stronger.

The Best And Worst Movies The Rock Made

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson seems to be making more movies than anyone can count, these days. Since it’s getting so hard to separate his good from his bad movies, it seemed only fair that we list them out for you.

Movie Remakes That Are Better Than The Original

While most remakes are usually empty husks of the original film, some of the remakes we’ve seen over the years blow the original right out the water. Let’s take a look at some remakes that were better than the original movie.

9 Hilarious Disney Face Swaps!

You’ve already seen these Disney princesses all inked up, dressed in a modern fashion, and probably some of their more disturbing iterations, but this time we’re changing the game. Today the heroes of popular fairy tales, myths and stories, you know and love, depicted in the Walt Disney cartoons, became victims of failed face transplantation.

10 Unique People Who Will Hypnotize You With Their Appearance

How would you even define “beauty” in the first place? These people have embraced who they really are, without blindly following what the archaic stereotypes and the social norms dictate. The game has changed for the better. Here are 10 unique people who will hypnotize you with their appearance.

10 Instagram Accounts About Art You Need To Follow Right Now

It’s safe to say Instagram is rapidly taking over as the main social media network of choice. Especially when it comes to determining what is cool and what isn’t. And because we’re all cool people, it seems only fair that we inform you about some cool Instagram accounts you should follow right now if you’re into art.

8 Safest, Most Secure Locations in the World

Military bases, libraries, secret warehouses and even a… parking lot? Turns out, there are places that are protected more heavily than the White House! For one reason or another these 8 spots are the most secure locations in the world, so don’t go trespassing or you might get shot… or worse!

9 Little-Known Stunning Natural Wonders

It’s hard to believe that all these incredibly gorgeous and unique places really do exist. The pictures you are about to see have not been altered in Photoshop, and you can actually visit these places. It’s true what they say: seeing is believing, so prepare those peepers! Here are 9 little-known stunning natural wonders!

The World’s Most Daring Swimming Pools

Some pools are exciting and quite the adrenaline rush. Well, swimming in them is probably a lot more expensive too. But let’s pretend that’s not an issue and take a look at some great locations for your next daring swim!

8 Binge-Worthy Scandinavian TV Shows

Scandinavian TV shows have always been known for their atmosphere, pretty pictures, and sudden plot twists. It’s not a secret that Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are famous for their detective stories and head-spinning investigations. Here’s a list of the binge-worthy Scandinavian TV shows that are definitely worth a look.

Artist Creates Happiness Out Of Misery And It Will Make You Smile, Then Break Your Heart

We all realize the world is filled both with happiness and misery, but at the end of the day what truly matters is your own attitude and perspective. Positive thinking can get you far and, who knows, it may even change the reality around you! Pharmacist and artist Mokhallad Habib from Iraq decided not to wait till his positive attitude will change the world and started making minor changes himself by taking actual episodes of his country’s life and transforming them into cute works of art.