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9 Excellent TV Casts That Still Find Time To Hang Out

After watching characters play their roles on TV for years, we tend to think of them as if they were real people, maybe even our close friends, but in reality, they’re just a bunch of actors… who act like a big happy family even when the cameras aren’t rolling! And when the show eventually airs its final episode, the crew and actors all go their separate ways, and the magic stops. Unless you’re talking about the 9 most chill TV casts that still hang out like old friends!

10 Space Mysteries That Have Scientists Baffled

The universe is a vast place, so it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that there are a lot of mysteries that cannot (and probably will not ever) be solved. Black holes, dark matter, and issues related to quantum mechanics are understandably puzzling. But on the other hand, you don’t have to look off into a distant galaxy to find phenomena that confound scientists. Here are 10 space mysteries that we are still trying to wrap our heads around.