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Movie mistakes

The 18 Biggest Movie Mistakes You Missed

Watchers who are keen to details can’t come across the most comic movie without pointing out the mistakes, goofs and bloopers. Of course, it takes some time to notice them because as we all know, the background of every movie is a tricky place to...

10 World’s Most Unique Escalators

The escalator is one of the most expensive mechanisms used by mankind in everyday life. This is an amazing form of transportation, invented in the 20th century. You can usually find it in huge shopping malls, and the metro stations, but they seem to be popping up more and more lately, in quite a variety of places and weird designs. Let’s talk about 10 world’s most unique escalators!

Palaces of Self-Discovery: Amazing Libraries Across Europe

Libraries are considered to be very solitary places and the best way to escape from pretty much everything. It’s with this idea that French photographer Thibaut Poirier made the series “Palaces of Self-Discovery”. He traveled across Europe and took pictures of some of the finest libraries he could find, both classical and modern.

Top 9 Skyscrapers That Push The Limits of Design

While there’s a lot of amazing non-tall buildings out there, we’re taking the phallic route. Since bigger is always better, even in architecture, let’s take a look at 9 of the most brilliantly designed skyscrapers – either existing or planned.

10 Amazing Fountains From Around the World

Some of the modern fountains look crazy with conceptual elements in design; others are simply huge and beautiful, reminiscent of nature’s majestic geysers and waterfalls. Here’s a list of fountains from all over the world that will take your breath away.

15 Tiny Houses That Look Incredible

With cities getting overcrowded with pricey accommodations that aren’t getting any cheaper, wouldn’t you like to have a little dream home of you own? Here are 15 tiny houses that look amazing. Check’em out!

Oh, How the Tables Have Turned!

If you’re a big interior buff, prepare to be amazed and get (at least) a few unusual coffee table ideas for your living room. Surely, your guests will love your extravagant sense of style. Let’s go!

Mario Botta’s Mountain Church

Mario Botta’s Mountain Church is now known worldwide and is a must-visit for those traveling in the Maggia Valley. Small but impossibly beautiful, it only seats about 15 people, but again proves that you can find unbelievably cool things in the most unexpected places! Don’t forget to add it to your must-visit list if you going to be visiting Switzerland.

11 Mesmerising Beauties Of the Past Century

You’re probably sick of hearing about all these “before and after” articles and top lists on Facebook and other web resources, but this time it’s not just a bunch of kids who grew up to be actors and musicians. This time it’s about some of the most alluring women of the past century.

An Old Abandoned Church Turned Into A Vibrant Artwork

“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind,” Antoine de Saint-Exupery once famously declared. This maxim from the author of a tender, poetic and humanist tale about the Little Prince perfectly describes Okuda San Miguel’s panoramic mural he created in an abandoned Moroccan church. Titled “11 Mirages to Freedom,” it explores the meaning of being free in a playful yet stunning manner.