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Category: Interesting
8 Amazing Facts About Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt is probably the most interesting period in our history. Despite all our fascination with it, and our research into its enigmatic past, there’s still a lot about Ancient Egypt that we don’t yet know.
6 Weird Facts About Gravity
Gravity is much more than fruit falling from trees, it draws all objects together in direct proportion to their mass amongst many other things you probably don’t know. Check out these 6 weird facts about gravity.
6 Most Bizarre World Origin Myths From Cultures Across The Globe
Needless to say, human imagination knows no boundaries, so each culture had its own version of world origin heavily flavoured with their own mythology, its deities and cosmogony.
Essential Things You Should Know About Alkaline Water
Today, you can find alkaline water, which is more expensive than ordinary water, in almost every store on the planet. Manufacturers promise that it tastes better and improves your health, unlike regular water. What is it, a publicity stunt, or is it actually a cure for many of our illnesses?
6 Common Genetically Modified Foods
Did you know, however, that we’re already eating a lot of common foods that are in fact genetically modified?
7 World’s Strangest Police Vehicles
Typically, police cars are all about speed and handling, but sometimes that’s just not enough. To catch criminals in fast cars, policemen need even faster vehicles. And not all of them are cars. Sometimes, very unusual machines are used to capture the lawbreakers.
15 Astounding Cosplay Transformations of CutiePieSensei
Cosplayers put a slightly different meaning into the phrase “you can be whatever you want”. They really can become what they want at any time. Just take a look at the transformations of the talented and incredibly hardworking cosplayer Jasmine James, also known as CutiePieSensei.
The Most Influential People That Never Lived
Imagine how hard it is to have this kind of impact on the world if you’re never even alive! Well, these “people” managed to do that exact thing.
The Most Famous Witches In History
Let’s take a look at some witches of ancient and/or modern history that everyone should know. And while these witches (probably?) didn’t have any magical powers, they sure did exist at some point in time. Spooky!
Awesome Mouth-Watering Food Innovations
Food has evolved into a form of art in recent years. Not only do we now care about what we eat, we also care about how special it is. This might sound a bit odd, and perhaps decadent, but it has been the main driving force behind the innovations we’ve seen in the food industry in more recent years.
6 of The Most Popular Halloween Costumes For This Year
Hurray, Halloween is upon us! That means one lovely night of watching old horror movies underneath a warm blanket, eating pop corn and hoping no kids come to visit your house begging for candy.
A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog
The artist really digs long exposure photography, but he wanted to create a project that uses this technique in ways that were unique and meaningful. So what did he do?
A Streaming Service in Iran is Removing Pictures of Female From Digital Covers
So without further ado, let’s take a look-see at these covers, shall we?
7 Groups and Bands Best Known For One Member
There are those times when you hear a song on the radio and think, “That’s the group starring one guy with a few nameless drummers, guitarists and cowbell players in the background.” So that’s what we’re going to talk about today, guys.
6 Interesting Facts About the Human Eye
Imagine a world without sight, some have to endure this darkness, most of us are lucky to have the power of sight and take our eyes for granted. The eye is a very complex organ that gives us the ability to take in the wonders of our world in a way our other senses cannot give us.
The Most Questionable McDonald’s Burgers Out There
Have some deliciously questionable McDonald’s burgers!
5 Things You Believe About Millennials That Aren’t True
Who are they? Most are already adults who still love to play video games, have no idea what a VCR is, and are often labeled as hipsters, technologically dependent, and eco-friendly generation. People love to throw outrageous claims at the Millennials, so here are five things you may believe about Millennials that aren’t true!
The Most Expensive Car In The World – Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Needless to say, Bugatti engineers know how to surprise their fans. First was the stunning Veyron, then the sleek Chiron. Well, it’s about time to innovate and set a new bar for other car companies!
The Greatest Legendary Weapons of All Time
Every great fantasy story revolves around a hero or villain who wields a marvelous weapon of legend. Some weapons are more legendary than others of course, and it only makes sense that we’d make a list of the most awesome ones.