Keep scrolling to witness the uncanny transformations of the 36 child celebs, whom we doubt you’d recognize today. Enjoy!
Author: BrainyBerry
Top 7 Weird Snack Food Flavors from Around the World
Feeling adventurous? How about an unusual snack? Something straight from the Good Mythical Morning, if Rhett and Link had hooves and horns. Seriously, some of the stuff you’re about to see, may wrench your gut just a little bit, and not in a lovely way.
Newly Discovered Animal Species That You Should Know About
Isn’t the animal kingdom amazing?
The 10 Scariest TV Shows That Will Keep You Up All Night
Here we have a list of 10 shows that include both spooky classics and new additions to the genre of horror TV show.
Things Modern Kids Can’t Do Anymore
Let’s take a look at some things kids could do twenty years ago without anyone batting an eyelash, but you can’t do anymore now. People would throw a hissy fit. Really.
Movies Where The Supporting Role Is Better Than The Lead
In the movie business, it’s often assumed that the best actor should play the best role. This is where the initial divide between a “lead” and “support” was born. The lead actor should carry the story, where the supporting roles are just there to, well, support the story. Sometimes, things don’t quite turn out that way.
Then And Now: 16 Hollywood Stars From The 90’s Who Used To Be In Everything!
Would you like to take a stroll down memory lane, to the time when celebrities were an integral part of our lives? Hop in, and take a good look at these 16 Hollywood stars from the 90’s and early 2000’s, who used to be in everything, from weird TV commercials, to blockbuster movies. Oh and while we’re visiting them in the past, let’s also see what they look like today!
More Horror Movie Actors, Who Are Actually Pretty Attractive In Real Life (Part 2)
When watching spooky horror movies, we get scared not only by sharp sounds and special effects, but also by the threatening appearance of the monsters in those films.
8 Foods You’ll Never Buy Again After Knowing What They Are Made Of
Here are 10 foods you’ll never buy again after knowing how they were made.
Chinning: 10+ Hilarious Travel Photos That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Meet Michelle Liu, a 21-year-old travel Instagrammer who’s sick and tired of ‘perfect’ social media photos that take all the fun from both travel and taking pictures with friends.
Famous Landmark Icons And Their Mysteries
No matter how famous certain landmarks become, there’s always something hiding below the surface that we don’t have knowledge of.
These Celebrities Have YouTube Channels You Should Be Subscribing To
If you’ve ever wondered what celebrities do in between their awesome moments of being a celebrity, YouTube is the place to go. A lot of celebrities own their own channel where they offer some unique insights into their life, or just have fun. You know, like us normal folks. Let’s take a look at some of the best ones.
Accidental Google Searches That Turned Out Better Than Expected
Here are some of the funniest accidental Google searches, that turned out better than expected.
Elon Musk Reveals His Plans For Martian City And Lunar Base And We Still Can’t Believe It’s True
It seems that Elon Musk’s ambitions are growing more and more with each passing year…
You Might Not Want To Tell Siri These Things
Sometimes the joke can go too far. Below are some things you probably shouldn’t tell Siri.
6 Most Mind-Shattering Arctic Discoveries
Prepare to have your mind blown!
8 Times “The Simpsons” Predicted The Future
We predict you’ll say “Simpsons did it first” by the end of the article. Let me know if I were right.
10 Unique Inventions That Changed The World Forever
Here are 10 unique inventions that we often take for granted, but that have changed our lives for the better.
These Cute Animals Can Kill You If You’re Not Careful
That said – nature knows. They know we have an obsession for cute animals, so they turned several cute animals into lethal assassins. Why? Well, why not, really. Let’s take a look at some of nature’s best hitmen.
Super Cars For Super Heroes
Super Heros need a proper car. You can’t transport yourself like the ordinary person if you’re training to be extraordinary. Thankfully, our car industry has evolved to the point where it’s perfectly possible to pick a super car for every superhero without having it look weird.