Some celebrities are not far from what their Westworld characters look like, while others we can hardly recognize without the hats, boots, and a dry dessert background. Here’s what Westworld stars look like in and out of costume.
Author: BrainyBerry
World’s Coolest-Looking Library With Over 1 Million Books!
We hope you like reading and books in general, because we’re about to embark on a fascinating journey to China, where you’ll drop your jaw after visiting this unusual library.
10 Bizarre Instagram Accounts That Will Make You Laugh, Frown, And Then Hit ‘Follow’
Would you follow an Instagram account of a guy who posts only selfies?
11 TV Characters Who Dated People Out of Their League
They say love is blind, but looking at some of the couples on TV, I’m starting to think it’s also deaf and mute. Granted, we all love the drama that comes with a good old-fashioned love story, I just don’t know how in the world these particular couples would ever fall for each other. In the real world, things are different, but on TV is seems that anyone has a shot with anyone, so here are 11 TV characters who dated people way out of their league.
Different Ways To Ripen Avodacos, If That’s What You’re Into
The most important thing when trying to grow an avocado, is making sure it actually ripens.
10 Most Expensive Watches In The World
Here are the 10 most expensive watches in the world! Try to memorize their design, because you never know what you’ll find on the beach.
10 Countries With Different Concepts Of Male Beauty
Let’s take a look at some countries where the concept of male beauty is quite surprising, to say the least.
Top 20 Cosplays That Are Far Better Than the Originals
Cosplayers used to be viewed as nerds who dressed up in some weird clothes, but today the cosplay business is up there with haute couture fashion. And if you want to promote your game, book, movie or a comic, there’s no better ad than scantily-clad women parading at some relevant event like Comic-Con or PAX, or SXSW.
8 Remarkable Superpowers You Don’t Know You Have
Think you know everything about superpowers?
Parkland Students Are Doing Clear Bags Right
As we’ve all heard, there had recently been a tragic school shooting in the USA. In a bold move, it was announced that in order to prevent this from happening and to increase the safety of the children, they would be forced to wear clear bags to school. And, as you do, the students took it to the next level.
Products Invented In Unusual Ways
Let’s take a look at some products that were invented in unorthodox ways.
15 Actors, Politicians, and Celebs All Mixed Together by Guillaumetc
Imagine Barack Obama but with Dwayne Johnson’s face. Or Ed Sheeran playing Harry Potter… This Guillaumetc dude ( is truly talented, and knows exactly whose face to swap with whom. If you go to his Instagram, you’ll see he’s doing this face mash-up thing to all sorts of people – actors, politicians, and celebs. You should definitely follow him!
15 Breathtaking Aerial Shots Of The Most Glorious Places On Earth
How many of you out there dreamed of soaring through the clouds like a majestic eagle? Well, you can rest easy now, as with today’s technology we can finally get a good long look at our totally flat Earth from the bird’s eye view, using hi-tech drones and insanely courageous photographers.
The Most Disappointing Superhero Movie Costumes
Some superhero movies had the worst possible costume for their characters, at which point you don’t really care how good the movie is anymore. It’s just two hours of disappointed sighs at the screen.
Top 7 Movies Destroyed By Saucy Scandals
Scandals can either make or break a movie’s box office performance. Controversies can help to attract more people who want to see what all the fuss is about, or they’ll just scare everyone away. So, naturally, controversies and scandals aren’t always the right answer. You really don’t want people to associate your movie with something horrible like sexual abuse, or racism, do you? Here are the top 7 movies destroyed by saucy scandals.
Top 7 Most Charitable Celebrities of 2017
Some celebs are quite stingy, others give away more than enough, donating millions of their hard-earned dollars to different charities. Are they doing this because they feel like they have to, or because they want to?
10 Most Badass Fight Scenes in the MCU (pre-Infinity-War)
Comic book movies are the best, but only if you don’t try to apply too much real-world logic to the plot, and especially you should not question the physics. Let’s just say, as long as your disbelief is dangling nicely in the air, you’ll love Marvel movies.
16 Life Progress Pics That Will Make You Look Twice, Then Burst Out Laughing
Before-and-after photos have been popular since the beginning of Internet, but not like the new ‘progress pics’ that are all over the web right now.
Meet Juniper, The Cutest Fox In The Whole World
Have you ever thought about having a fox as a pet?
Even Will Smith Doesn’t Always Have Great Dates
Will Smith recently went on a date with an AI robot known as Sophia. After quite a short date, it turned out the robot wasn’t at all interested in Will “in that way” – despite Will’s best pick-up lines.