Casting is tough, and even with thorough auditions, some choices just don’t land. From Johnny Depp as Tonto to George Clooney as Batman, here are ten film roles that fans agree were total miscasts.

Casting is tough, and even with thorough auditions, some choices just don’t land. From Johnny Depp as Tonto to George Clooney as Batman, here are ten film roles that fans agree were total miscasts.
Here are the hottest famous dads that make fatherhood look incredibly fine.
It’s no secret that movies bring actors a lot of money and fame.
Have you heard the news yet? Unless you live in Russia, you probably have.
Hollywood celebrities weren’t born famous; it took them years to get to the top, but we tend to forget their debut roles where they were still young and starry-eyed.
Thankfully, we have amazing role models like actors, athletes, and other celebrities, who are not afraid to show everyone that vaccines aren’t the enemy!
Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at a few other celebrity ex-couples who made a huge splash in happier times.
When you’re a celebrity, what do you get that special someone in your life?
Do you also find it fascinating to see what celebs are doing on quarantine and what do they look like when they don’t have a whole makeup and hair team available to them at all times?
A lot of the time when we watch movies or TV shows we like to think that the actors who play best friends on screen are also besties in real life. However, today we’re going to share with you some celebrities that met on set and actually become best friends in real life.
When it comes to romance, nothing is impossible, especially when you’re a celebrity with lots of talent, creativity, and, let’s admit it, money. People in love become a bit crazy (in a good way) and can do some pretty unbelievable things to impress their loved ones