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11 Theories On Why Aliens Keep Avoiding Us

Whether you know about the Fermi Paradox or not, it’s pretty strange that no alien civilization has contacted us yet. According to Enrico Fermi there’s bound to be life in this vast Universe that is billions of years old with billions of billions stars and planets, some of which definitely support life in some form. Yet, here we are, all alone. This raises some questions as to what is the reason we are kept in the dark about other civilizations.

12 Most Technologically Advanced Countries Today

After the end of World War II many of the world’s countries were left in a bad way, Japan had been bombed, Germany had lost most of its power and India was waiting for its independence from the British Empire. Fast forward a few decades and many things have changed for these and other countries in the world, the list of the world’s most technologically advanced countries in 1945 and today are very different! Check out today’s list of the most technologically advanced countries.

What Iconic Female Characters Look Like In Remakes (Lara Croft Will Really Surprise You)

Creating remakes of popular­ movies is a risky business. Characters become iconic due to their unique features, style, intricate plotlines, and of course appearance. There’s no denying the fact that we also fall for some characters just because they look cute. This is why so much controversy surrounds new characters of Lara Croft, Catwoman, and the Enchanted trio. Some fans could go along with the new actresses, but others simply couldn’t put up with the transformations their favorite heroines went through.