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10 Best HBO Series of All Time


Home Box Office or HBO, as the kids call it today, is a cable TV company founded over 50 years ago in 1972. Since that era a lot has changed, including HBO’s content. It went from commercial-free movies to TV shows like the Game of Thrones, the Sopranos and other modern masterpieces of cable television.

They’ve been giving the viewers amazing content way before Chernobyl or Westworld rolled into town, and many people think that we should thank HBO for the current golden age of TV. Naturally, after 50+ years of TV programming, there are some titles worthy of being called “crème de la crème”. In other words, here are the top 10 best HBO shows of all time!

10. Silicon Valley

Ever wanted to know how the Silicone Valley operates? This show is just for you then! It follows goofy and sometimes outrageous adventures of five nerds on their road to establishing one of the biggest tech companies ever!

Silicon Valley | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

9. Getting On

Getting On is like an amalgamation of House MD, ER, and Scrubs, but with a lot more bad attitude and heart. I mean, Laurie Metcalf is in it. That fact alone should be enough to grant this show a spot on this list. Definitely one of the funniest shows on HBO.

Getting On | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

8. Six Feet Under

You’re gonna cry, you’re gonna laugh, and you’re gonna clench your butt. This show is all about the characters, no BS gimmicks, no fake-outs – only real emotions and pitch-black humor. I mean, you don’t win 9 Emmy awards for doing something wrong, right?

 Six Feet Under | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

7. Westworld

Definitely one of the smartest shows on this list. Starts out as a western, but then you quickly realize it’s all just for show, and robots are taking over. I also have no idea what’s going on beyond that, but people are say there are some weird things going on behind the scenes.

Westworld | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

6. True Blood

Vampires! Ooh, spooky scary bloodsuckers are on the loose again. But don’t worry, this time the night-dwellers are all sexy, dark, and full of horrors, as compared to the twinkly kind. Galons of blood, snarky dialogues, and Anna Paquinn. You’re welcome!

True Blood | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

5. The Wire

Who here hasn’t heard about “The Wire”? It’s not only one of the best HBO shows ever, it’s also one of the top TV shows ever. Period!

The Wire | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

4. Sex and the City

Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda pretty much edged out the Metropolitan magazine with all their dating and sex advice. This show defined at least one generation of viewers, female and male, so for that, it gets the spot in the top 5!

Sex and the City | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

3. The Sopranos

I’ve personally never watched it, but millions of people all over the world who are smarter than me can’t be all wrong. All I know is that the ending was quite the shocker for the fans. Don’t be like me, watch the show that could possible be the best piece of television on this or any other list.

The Sopranos | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

2. Game of Thrones

Despite having a quite controversial final season, Game of Thrones is still an incredible creation with a stunning cast and uncanny plot twists swirling love, hate, and treachery in every episode. It’s just the best!

Game of Thrones | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries

1. Chernobyl

Granted, Chernobyl is still young, but it’s already rated as the best show ever produced. Not only does it shed the much-needed light on the world’s worst man-made disaster, but it also reveals just how incredibly stupid and inadequate the USSR system was.

 Chernobyl | 10 Best HBO Series of All Time | Brain Berries