Well, if you’re looking for ideas on how to spend millions of dollars in a single purchase, or simply would like to know how insanely expensive some items out there are, we’ve got you covered!

Well, if you’re looking for ideas on how to spend millions of dollars in a single purchase, or simply would like to know how insanely expensive some items out there are, we’ve got you covered!
The Great Wall of China is a truly fascinating and magical structure, so let’s find out a few curious facts about it!
American runner Lenny Maughan chooses routes very meticulously, so that in the end they look like wicked drawings in the fitness tracking apps. Why would someone do that? To create timeless masterpieces such as USS Enterprise, the state of California, a seagull, and plenty of other cool things overlaying the map of San-Francisco.
Naturally, where there are trains, there are also train stations, and not all of them were created equal. Some are much more breathtaking than others.
At one point or another, we’ve all entertained the thought of what it would be like if we ruled over the entire world.And we all realize that getting to the position of “ruler of the world” would likely require military force…
There’s no bigger mystery in life than what women want, but we do know what they wanted in the 60’s.
Did you know how much it costs to clean up, let’s say, an oil spill? Or how much money was lost when the Japan’s stock market crashed after one of the workers made a typo? The world is full of mistakes. Some way-way more expensive than the rest. Millions upon millions of dollars wasted. Just poof… and they’re gone.
As much as hurricanes are terrifying natural mechanisms of absolute destruction, they’re also extremely interesting. And, since they are becoming more and more common (because of climate change), it could be important to know more about them.
These brilliant (and sometimes incredibly stupid) products made millions. Can you believe it?
The apocalypse is a weird obsession of the human race. Ever since our existence evolved into being able to predict the near future when it comes to things like weather, economy, space,… we’ve been wondering what and when will finally be the undoing of us. It’s a bit nihilistic to say the least, but that doesn’t make it any less fascinating.
Lil Was X is about to beat a world record, and go down in history! Here’s everything you need to know about the song, in chronological order and order of importance!
Digging up some old treasure or a 3000-year-old trinket is always super exciting, especially if you’re an archaeologist and that little trinket may change everything we knew about some ancient civilization or a long forgotten city.
Whether you know about the Fermi Paradox or not, it’s pretty strange that no alien civilization has contacted us yet. According to Enrico Fermi there’s bound to be life in this vast Universe that is billions of years old with billions of billions stars and planets, some of which definitely support life in some form. Yet, here we are, all alone. This raises some questions as to what is the reason we are kept in the dark about other civilizations.
Humans as a race are driven to improve and invent. In fact, since the industrial revolution, the speed in which new inventions have been revealed to the world has increased massively. As we move into the 21st century it is totally unbelievable how fast we have advanced in science, medicine and technology. Will this advancement ever end?
So, do carrots improve your eyesight? Does exercising makes you smarter?
We, human beings, like to make things up. Our imagination takes us to the future filled with mind-bending technologies, surreal gadgets, and abilities that surpass everything we thought possible. We read about them in science-fiction books, watch futuristic movies, and eventually get inspired to create them in real life. Think smartphones are a totally new invention?
It’s a well known fact that if you’re trying to get a top grade education in today’s society, it’s probably going to cost you a hefty penny.
Becoming vegetarian is steadily on the rise and gaining more traction in our current food habits. If you want to join the hype and get into a new way of eating, let’s take a look at some reasons why you might want to become a vegetarian in 2019.
The old pearl of wisdom says “curiosity killed the cat” but us humans would never have reached our current status as the most advanced species on this planet, if it wasn’t for our inquisitive mind. The indisputable fact is that we love tearing things apart. It’s just a part of our nature, so every time we see something cool and unusual, our mind immediately goes to the “what’s inside” option. Here are 14 incredibly cool pictures of unusual objects cut in half!
We all know space is exciting. However there’s still an entire part of our own planet that have not been thoroughly explored or explained. And that, dear reader, is the ocean!