Some people say that if you’re good at one thing, you may be good at everything.
Author: BrainyBerry
Top 7 Reasons Why 2017 Was the WORST
Remember how last year we all thought 2017 was going to be awesome? Well, let’s just say it didn’t live up to the expectations. So what went wrong? In short: a lot of stuff. But here are 7 things and events that really sucked in 2017.
11 Star Wars Creatures We Are Absolutely Mad About
Even if you still haven’t watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi, you’ve probably heard a lot about a plethora of new creatures that came with it. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just a rookie, here’s a list of 11 Star Wars creatures everyone is mad about.
10 Curious Things You’ve Probably Never Seen
Here are 10 curious things you’re probably never seen before!
Shadows Are Not Always What They Seem… (15 Photos)
Let’s go straight to the good stuff – here are 15 weird shadows that’ll make you look twice!
Inedible Stuff That Looks Like Delicious Food (15 Pictures)
If you’ve ever been so hungry you started seeing marshmallows on the sky, and bacon in rocks – this gallery will definitely make you relate.
What Does Your Favourite Disney Star Look Like 10 Years Later?
Here are some of our favourite Disney stars 10 years later.
15 Positively Magical Snowflake Photos by Andrew Osokin
This Russian photographer from Moscow, Andrew Osokin, clearly knows what to look for. Check out this gallery of positively magical snowflake photos!
Questions Left Unanswered By Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Ofcourse, as with any second movie in a trilogy, some questions remain unanswered. Below, we’ll take a look at some things we’d like to see answered in episode IX.
5 Most Unexpected Ways The Artificial Intelligence Will Influence Our World
What a time to be alive! We have computers that do all the thinking, phones that do all the talking, and even cars that can drive themselves! What more could we want in our everyday lives? The answer is: smart robots.
9 Shocking Scientific Theories That Will Blow Your Mind
Hello there, fellow nerds! Heard any new world-breaking scientific theories lately?
Exotic Animal Specialist Becomes A Real-Life Tarzan And It’s Beyond Amazing
Mike Holston from Miami is a zoo keeper, exotic animal specialist, and a teacher that often goes to schools to educate kids about animals. Kids love him, and who wouldn’t, really? A man calls himself The Real Tarzann and spends days cuddling with tiger cubs, feeding gigantic lizards, playing with monkeys, spiders, snakes, and whatnot. If this is not the coolest job in the world, then we don’t know what is!
Not-So-Silly Reasons Aliens Might Actually Exist
Since hard proof doesn’t exist, let’s take a look at some arguments that can at least open the possibility of alien life.
17 Astonishing Portraits of Immigrants From America’s Past
In early 1900’s to 1920, chief registry clerk on Ellis Island, Augustus Sherman, who also happened to dabble in photography, snapped over 200 photos of immigrants from Europe and Asia. Ellis Island was their last stop before becoming legitimate United States citizens.
Things Your Zodiac Sign Says About You, According To The Internet
These are some of the things your Zodiac sign say about you.
15 Weirdest New Year’s Traditions From Around The World
Here are 15 wackiest New Year’s traditions from all around the world.
10 Awesome Things You’ve Missed In Star Wars: The Last Jedi
If you haven’t watched the movie yet, be prepared for some spoilers because we’re about to reveal 10 of the most awesome things you’ve missed in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Celebs That Are Absolute Nightmares To Work With
Let’s take a look at some celebrities you’d probably be best to not ever work with. In case you’d end up in a situation where you get the opportunity.
15 Awesome Gadgets To Buy Your Geek Friend This Christmas
You need to look no more – here are 15 amazing gadgets for your nerdy friends and family members.
Deck Your Pets With Boughs of Holly! 25 Incredibly Cute Animals All Dressed up For X-Mas!
It’s that time of the year again!