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The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World


There are as many wedding looks as there are cultures in the world. And this means that bridal attire changes every few hundred kilometers no matter where you go! Our world is a bright and colorful place and wedding is one of the most important days in the life of a woman (or man for that matter), which leads to creating some pretty unforgettable attires. Each represents cultural peculiarities of a certain country with different materials, embellishments, jewelry, and accessories. Need I say that each and every one of them looks absolutely amazing? Here are the most stunning wedding looks from around the world.

Japanese brides traditionally wear beautiful white kimonos with stunning head pieces. White is a symbol of youth, purity, and new beginnings.

Japanese wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Talking about accessories, Kenyan brides sport not five, not ten, but twenty gorgeous necklaces created for them individually. Apart from that they wear a unique head piece, a wedding collar, and numerous bracelets.

Kenyan bride | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Traditional wedding in Norway has its own very special attire called ‘bunad’. Bunad is embellished with special silver pieces that are meant to protect the bride from evil.

Norwegian wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Brides in Ossetia all look like royalty. Their wedding dresses have long posh sleeves and beautiful silver or golden patterns. A gorgeous head piece and a metal belt tie the whole look together.

Ossetian wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

South African weddings are tribal in the most exquisite way. Everyone rocks traditional looks and the bride gets to wear a special headpiece called ‘inkehli’ along with vibrant bracelets and necklaces.

South African wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Between Kosovo and Macedonia there is a region called Gora. There brides get a very special type of makeup on their wedding day. It is believed that these painted patterns ward off evil forces and bad luck. It looks beyond impressive!

 Goran wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Indian weddings are rich, colorful, and last for days. The bride tends to wear a beautifully embellished red or pink saree, accompanied by gorgeous golden jewelry and special bridal henna designs painted on hands and feet.

Indian wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Chinese weddings are definitely a sight like no other. The bride usually wears a red silk dress called qipao, which symbolizes wealth, luck, and well-being of the couple. Red color is also believed to protect from evil, therefore, you’ll see a lot of it during the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony.

Chinese wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Indonesian weddings are luxurious to say the least! The bride wears a special combo of Batik and Kebab. Batik is the name of special floral, square, dotted, and other patterns used in bridal wear. Kebab is the name of the whole bridal attire with a dress and a blouse – usually of very bright colors. And don’t forget the exquisite head pieces made of gold for both the groom and the bride!

Indonesian wedding | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Malaysian brides tend to go with purple and pinkish hues for their wedding day. Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim country, so you will see most brides wearing a hijab. The wedding dress is also accompanied by a crown headpiece – because all women are queens on this beautiful day!

Malaysian bride | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

Scottish weddings are amazing because guys get to wear kilts! Which look absolutely gorgeous if you want my opinion. There’s more to it, though, because after the wedding the bride shows up wearing a shawl with her husband’s kilt pattern on it. It means that she’s safely transitioned into the new family.

Scottish wedding  | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries

The traditional Ukrainian wedding offers a wide variety of folk music, dancing, and lots of ancient pagan rituals dating back to the pre-Christian era.

 Ukrainian wedding  | The Most Stunning Wedding Looks From Around The World | Brain Berries