Sometimes, sports press conferences can be more exciting than whatever competition they represent. The sheer unpredictability of raw emotions and certain actions can steal the spotlight just as much as the players themselves.

Sometimes, sports press conferences can be more exciting than whatever competition they represent. The sheer unpredictability of raw emotions and certain actions can steal the spotlight just as much as the players themselves.
Exorbitant expenses and a passion for luxury often lead the stars to the brink of bankruptcy.
We’ve all heard of the stories of regular people making fortunes for themselves. And while that’s fun to look at, there’s also the exact opposite: celebrities that through some reason lost their fortune and went back to regular mortal status.
Nothing is more fragile than an athlete’s careers, an injury could set you back for years and in some cases can take you out of the game forever. That’s probably every professional athlete’s nightmare. However, there are some who have lost their career in a matter of seconds in worse ways than that…
Inspiration is a mysterious thing that can strike in the strangest ways. Some artists find inspiration in nature, others in the art created by other artists, some people have dreams that inspire and some find it in the matters of the heart. The artist we’re going to tell you about today seems to have found a well of inspiration in the famous rapper 50 Cent.