Netflix has made entertainment so much more pleasant in the last decade. You can sit pretty much anywhere, take any electronic device you want and watch whatever you feel like. If that’s not the pinnacle of 21st century freedom, I don’t know what is.
If you’re looking for a good documentary to watch tonight (or tomorrow, you probably have plans already), take a look at these great suggestions below.
Making A Murderer
Did Steven Avery do what the police said he did, or didn’t he? We still kind of don’t know, but Making A Murderer lays out most of the facts so you can make up your own mind of what may or may not have happened. It’s like CSI, but it actually happened!

Planet Earth 2
Heck, even just watch it for the imagery. You can mute this and watch it in 4K and it’ll still blow your mind.

Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
This one might not be for the faint of heart, but if you’re into real crime and/or serial killers this documentary is a must. Ted Bundy was probably the most unique and charismatic serial killer the world has ever known, and this documentary is based upon interviews Ted gave.

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond
Jim Carrey played Andy Kaufman in the 1999 film Man on the Moon and decided to go full method acting during this period. This documentary is a series of recordings of that period, including interviews with Carrey and it has a great view into the mind of a method actor and the process that Jim Carrey went through to prepare for this role.

De Palma
If you’re into the movies made by Brian De Palma, this documentary is for you. It’s really nothing more than a series of questions that the director answers, but it’s a nice way to learn more about his art and how he goes about creating iconic movies.

Amanda Knox
Well, the “true crime” type documentaries are usually the best, aren’t they? This one is about the Amanda Knox case, who was convicted for the murder of her roommate but later acquitted. But did she do it or not?