Movie Clichés That Have Nothing To Do With Reality

If you watch a lot of movies, it won’t take you long to see how Hollywood basically creates their own facts. Some things that would never happen in real life seem commonplace in most blockbuster movies and none of the characters seem to be bothered with it. Once you start noticing these things and pay attention to them, it’ll tear you right out of every movie.

Let’s take a look at some tropes Hollywood has invented and keeps using time and time again, despite it having no basis in reality. 

Magical Supermarkets

Contrary to what happens in real life, the supermarkets in Hollywood movies are always stocked to the brim with every item you can think of, and you never have to wait in line to pay for your groceries. Not to mention that the employees are always happy, motivated and well-informed about the ins and outs of the store.

Early Birds

Everyone in every movie ever made wakes up early enough to have a ridiculous breakfast, a long shower, conversations with their loved ones and maybe even a short work out and a 30 minute news paper break. Meanwhile I roll out of bed, splash water in my face and break the world record for drinking hot coffee so I don’t miss the bus.

Twists in the Courtroom

If you’ve ever been in a courtroom – and I hope you haven’t – you’ll know that there’s no such thing as surprise evidence or a surprise witness. You’ll know all the evidence the other party has, which witnesses they’re going to summon and even what point they’ll try to make with them well before the trial even starts.