Celebrities usually have exhausting and hectic schedules, dozens of concerts, or round-the-clock filming. However, many of them manage to look very young despite crossing the 40-year-old threshold.
Here are some celebs who didn’t lose their charm with age.
1. Jackie Chan, 68 years old
Jackie Chan is famous for mixing high-octane action with comedic timing, while also doing most of the stunts himself. If you think about it, the fact that he’s still alive and, for the most part, uninjured at the age of 68 is a miracle. Today, Jackie Chan is still as handsome as he was in the 90s.
2. Sharon Stone, 64 years old
Looking at her photos, are we sure she is 64? The actress admitted that she likes herself less and less every year, so she tries to eat healthy food and do sports. Stone completely dropped soda, coffee, and alcohol from her daily menu, but instead developed a new taste for dairy products and dark chocolate.
3. Michelle Pfeiffer, 64 years old
Some fans have a theory that Michelle Pfeiffer drank the elixir of youth because how else would she look this good? The 64-year-old star looks 34 at most! She still acts in movies, participates in photo shoots, and even pops up on Instagram.
4. Sandra Bullock, 57 years old
If you’ve ever wondered why Sandra Bullock looks like a goddess despite being in her late 50s, it’s all thanks to sports and eating healthy food. With a face like this, she can brilliantly play either an older woman or an energetic 30-year-old.
5. Halle Berry, 55 years old
Halle Berry used to be a sex symbol in the early 90s, and frankly, she’s kept that status ever since. The actress is 55 years old, which is very hard to believe. Berry actively shares photos in a swimsuit and workout videos, but one thing she does not do is sweets.

6. Will Smith, 53 years old
Women aren’t the only ones who can look good after 50. Hollywood star Will Smith does not seem to age and has looked the same for the past 15 years. His handsome face attracts young girls and older women all over the world. Smith doesn’t like sharing his daily routine, but he loves jogging and extreme sports.
7. Gwen Stefani, 52 years old
Gwen Stefani, the legendary 90s singer and a beautiful lass with perfect skin and long hair, turned 52 years old last October. The star is often mistaken for a young girl, and why wouldn’t she be? Look at how great she looks!
8. Jennifer Lopez, 52 years old
JLo at 52 looks twice as young, thanks to her daily workouts and diet. The singer/actress gave up sugar entirely and started doing morning exercise decades ago. Eating healthy foods with a rejuvenating effect is also a huge factor.
9 Jared Leto, 50 years old
The Morbius star is 50 years old, but he looks like a 20-something emo boy. The actor has not eaten meat or dairy products for 20 years, and has also given up salt and sugar. According to Leto, these products accelerate aging and increase swelling. Nowadays, Leto spends all his free time sleeping upside-down and drinking fake blood.