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Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends


Being friends with Oprah is pretty much the best proof of making it in life. We can all imagine actually wanting to be friends with Oprah, but the scenario where Oprah would want to be friends with us seems to be very unlikely. She meets so many interesting people that it almost feels like you’d be putting a burden on her to annoy her with your presence.

Here’s a few celebrities that are considered to be among Oprah’s best friends, just so you know what level of fame you have to aim for if you want to get in Oprah’s inner circle.


I mean, let’s face it, I think this is one of the few situations where Oprah has the most to gain in the friendship, since Bono has been awesome since the 80’s.

Bono | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries

Prince Harry

Being famous gets you in contact with a lot of famous people, but it does take extra effort to become friends with an heir to the British throne. He may not be the first heir, but he’s the heir nonetheless.

Prince Harry | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries

Michelle Obama

Even America’s First Lady wasn’t immune to Oprah’s charms and they’re still friends to this day.

Michelle Obama | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries

Ellen DeGeneres

Being the two most popular female talk show hosts probably creates quite a connection, and Oprah and Ellen just went for it and became very close friends.

Ellen DeGeneres | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries


It’s hard to imagine anyone – including Rihanna or Oprah – not wanting to be friends with Rihanna or Oprah, and here you have the proof.

Rihanna | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries

Whoopi Goldberg

While Whoopi has had a few weirder periods in her life, she did gain a friendship with Oprah in recent years and that’s never a bad thing.

Whoopi Goldberg | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries

Dr. Phil

This might be a bit of a shocker, but apparently if you want to be friends with a talk show host, being a talk show host helps.

Dr. Phil | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries


If all else fails, you can also become the biggest pop star in the world. That’ll probably get you on Oprah’s radar. I mean, it worked for Beyoncé.

Beyoncé | Oprah Winfrey’s Best Friends | Brain Berries