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15 Hilarious Family Christmas Photos


The biggest Christian holiday is upon us! Only a few weeks from now you’ll probably be watching “Home Alone” or “It’s a Wonderful Life,” neatly tucked in with your significant other or three cats, celebrating Christmas. At that moment, a wild thought may spring to your mind: “hey, let’s take a family photo and send it to all my relatives and friends!”

What sounded like a good idea at the time, was, in reality, one of the worst things you could ever do. I mean, if you’re unironically doing a whole photoshoot with your family members being all happy and joyful, just keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to see your happiness on Christmas! 

However, if you’re doing it for the kicks and have a funny idea in mind, share that goodness with the world! Even if it’s cringe-worthy, no, especially if it’s cringe-worthy, you gotta show everyone just how nuts you are, so we know you’re actually normal. It’s counter-intuitive, but it works, trust me.

Here are some great examples of hilarious Christmas photos for you!

Why are only mom and dad in the hot tub?

That was the Christmas when Bobo found out he was adopted.

Oh, honey, everyone knows Santa does not play backsies.

What a great-looking family! That cat looks weird, though.

Two fancy men and their master. 

The only way to have a Merry Christmas is to get rid of the kids.

No Christmas tree? The Starks probably chopped it down for firewood.

Face-swapped photos are the highest level of cringe, which makes them perfect for family occasions!

I think mom and dad were cheerleaders in high-school.

Dashing through the snow in a one-hedgehog open sleigh?

If you look at the definition of perfection in a dictionary, this photo will pop up.

I like how Santa and the doggo just can’t be bothered.

What’s for dinner, mom, and where’s dad?

Fun fact: this is where the phrase “chocking the duck” came from.

Here are the winners of the synchronized blinking competition.