You eat these every day. They’re spices that make your food taste better, vegetables that are staples of your favorite salads, and nuts that make up your travel mixes. But do you know how they grow, how they’re collected, and how they are processed before you buy them at the store?
Category: Interesting
10 Things That Will Happen To You (And America!) After The Eclipse
Here are 10 things we should expect after the eclipse on August, 21st.
Top 10 Best Countries In The World
Some people on the Internet with way too much time on their hands made a list ranking countries on way too much factors like education, environment, wellbeing, income equality, population, military spending, … You name it. And based on those rankings, they gave each country a number of points so you can easily identify which country has the best score.
These Common Fruits Have A History That Will Blow Your Mind Harder Than Darth Vader Being Luke’s Father
Let’s take a look at some fruits with a history that may or may not surprise you.
Psychological Syndromes Named After A Geographical Location Because What Else Were They Supposed To Do
If you live in one of the places named after these syndromes, you might be crazy without knowing it. Or the name just might be random. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Crazy Celebrity Predictions That Came True, Probably Out Of Sheer Luck More Than Anything Else!
Some of these predictions are very applause-worthy, honestly.
8 Times Celebs Were Totally Extra While Doing The Simplest Things
Many people think that celebs are quite like us – they sleep, eat, jog, spend time with their kids, so what’s the difference?
8 Bizarre Historical Objects Reveal Their Secrets
What do we know about history, really? What do you know about King Charles I favorite earring? And what about special cups for gents with mustache? Here are 8 obscure historical objects and the secrets they hold.
5 Fantastic Facts About The Lost City Of Atlantis
Here are 5 fantastic facts about the Lost City of Atlantis!
These Luxury Items Are Entirely Pointless
Have you ever had spare money at the end of the month and wondered what you should spend it on? No? Well, it’s because you’re middle class and middle class is the new poor! Well, then this article probably isn’t for you. Just in case you’re filthy rich…
5 Legendary Lost Cities That Have Actually Been Found
Let’s set out to explore 5 lost cities that have actually been found!
9 Connected Historical Facts That Will Mess With Your Head
Let’s explore these 9 connected historical events that will surely mess with your head.
12 Things that Were Banned For Ridiculous Reasons. Who Says Government Can’t Be Absurd?
Governments don’t always do the right thing with laws they create. Sure, many of them are there to protect us. They (hopefully) make sure we don’t get murdered, that our belongings remain ours, that we are treated fairly before the law, and that there is some fundamental security that we feel we can count on. However, some laws seem just absolutely nutty and really make us scratch our heads. Some might even say they are absurd and insane. Sometimes things, books, people, and ideas just get banned because someone “up there” wanted it to be so. Here are 12 things that were banned for ridiculous reasons.
10 Most Delicious Ice Cream Trends to Watch Out For This Summer
Who doesn’t like ice cream? Nothing can quite compare to the feeling of cold gentleness melting in your mouth on a hot summer day. Some people like to eat it all year round and we can’t blame them! Chefs all over the world come up with new bizarre ice cream recipes every day, trying to improve the already perfect dessert. Some of them are more successful, others are less so, but in the end we, mere consumers, have a unique ability to try some of the yummiest ice creams that have ever existed. Here are 10 delicious new trends you should definitely try this summer.
6 Beloved Pop Culture Icons With Hateful Histories
Here are 6 pop culture icons with hateful histories.
6 Unusual Places Inside Airports Every Globetrotter Should Visit
Usually when you’re traveling to a different country the first thing you see is the airport. Unless you live like a few miles from the border. Modern-day airports not only help the travelers to get from point A to point B, but sometimes provide exquisite entertainment zones for the passengers. Today I’ll show you some of the most fun places you can visit without leaving the airport!
10 Rich Celebrities That Drive Cheap Cars
Let’s take a look at 10 celebrities that don’t feel the need to rub in their richness with sweet rides.
15+ Most Breathtaking Drone Photos Of 2017
Photography has changed dramatically over the last few years with drones entering the big game. Drone photography was so much unlike everything we’ve seen before that it became a standalone genre that required its very own contests and awards. As drones are becoming more and more accessible with each passing year, numerous artists turn to this challenging style of photography.
5 Incredible Perfect Crimes
Let’s look up some criminal masterminds and check out 5 incredible perfect crimes!
20 Outrageously Hipster Foods That Must Be Stopped
Here are 20 outrageously hipster foods that must be stopped.