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10 Unique People Who Will Hypnotize You With Their Appearance

How would you even define “beauty” in the first place? These people have embraced who they really are, without blindly following what the archaic stereotypes and the social norms dictate. The game has changed for the better. Here are 10 unique people who will hypnotize you with their appearance.

8 Safest, Most Secure Locations in the World

Military bases, libraries, secret warehouses and even a… parking lot? Turns out, there are places that are protected more heavily than the White House! For one reason or another these 8 spots are the most secure locations in the world, so don’t go trespassing or you might get shot… or worse!

Life Hacks For People That Stay In Hotels A Lot

Life can be quite intimidating if you’re rich enough to travel all over the place. And probably the most horrible part about the experience will be the hotel room you’re staying in. Let’s take a look at some cheap hotel room life hacks.

French Things That Aren’t French

It almost seems as if the French invented everything. From food to fashion to lifestyle, every important aspect of life seems to have at least a few things that are labeled as “French”. But here’s a few French-labeled things that aren’t French at all.

The Most Stressful Jobs In The World

It’s become somewhat of a problem of our generation to feel stressed out and treated worse than other people, but according to a scientific survey, these are the jobs that are rated as the most stressful.

Parkland Students Are Doing Clear Bags Right

As we’ve all heard, there had recently been a tragic school shooting in the USA. In a bold move, it was announced that in order to prevent this from happening and to increase the safety of the children, they would be forced to wear clear bags to school. And, as you do, the students took it to the next level.

Top 7 Most Charitable Celebrities of 2017

Some celebs are quite stingy, others give away more than enough, donating millions of their hard-earned dollars to different charities. Are they doing this because they feel like they have to, or because they want to?

10 Fascinating Stats That Will Make You Go “Huh…”

What do you usually do when you see a bunch of numbers, pie charts, or other sorts of statistics? A normal human being will ignore that part and get to the pictures, but this time I think you’ll stay awhile and listen. These are some of the most mind-blowing number-related facts in the whole universe!