Let’s dive into the chaos and brilliance of a year that future historians will probably spend way too much time debating over tea and sighs of existential dread.

Let’s dive into the chaos and brilliance of a year that future historians will probably spend way too much time debating over tea and sighs of existential dread.
The Columbia Space Shuttle disaster was a real international tragedy. One little malfunction took the lives of the entire crew without even letting them say a proper goodbye. But at least they left something we can remember them by—the footage of their final moments.
A photo showing Billy the Kid and his partners in crime playing croquet was bought for dirt-cheap on a blea market and later turned out to be worth a fortune. Who is this Billy guy, and why is this photo so sensationally expensive?
How did we get from waving flags at horse carriages to using fully automated electric traffic lights? It’s time to find out!
Let’s fly over to Toledo and see what relics the archaeologists have uncovered this time. Spoiler alert: it’s a marble statue!
In many instances in history, women have developed amazing things but never got the recognition for their work.
History remembers only a few cases when humans were facing the threat of extinction. Sometimes it was pure luck that saved our species from getting wiped out, and other times it was thanks to the determination and big brain decisions of certain individuals.
Thousands of ships that went missing during WWI and WWII found their last refuge deep under the ocean waves. Researchers have discovered the exact or approximate locations of at least a few hundred vessels, but the fate of some still remains a mystery
In 1815 the Duke of Wellington led the British forces to a hard-fought victory over Napoleon Bonaparte, the French emperor at the time. This battle was called the Battle of Waterloo. After 200 years, the city of Waterloo saw another clashing of (the genetic legacy of) these two great military leaders. And that’s not where it ends!
The Victorian Era was an interesting time in history. We still admire the fashion and what people looked like based on the pictures and paintings we see from that time. But it was also a very strange time, and once you dig deeper you find out that all those pretty pictures are just the top layer that’s hiding a whole bunch of fascinating and sometimes bizarre things.
We all had history lessons in school, and while most of us got by memorizing dates and events and passing tests, very few of us have a full grasp on historical events and what happened when. You’d be surprised how many things we get wrong.
We tend to take things for granted. We’re used to seeing beautiful nature and gorgeous architecture and tend to think that if it survived hundreds of years before us, it will be here for hundreds of years from now. But that’s just simply not true. If we don’t learn to take care of our surroundings we will ruin them and be left with nothing.
For the longest time, the kitchen was considered a woman’s place, and their duties were limited to being a housewife and raising children. But even under these inhumane limitations, there have been women throughout history, who were forced by the circumstances to take up arms and protect their lives and their land. One could say they did a much better job than men!
You might be surprised to discover that a lot of the stuff you were taught about history is complete BS. Oh, you aren’t surprised?
From time to time you’ll discover that some famous people are willing to set their ego aside and let the world know that they’re not above making fun of themselves.
Spies, aviators, soldiers, snipers – men were not the only ones who showed courage, ingenuity, and determination during World War II. During that time, there were thousands of amazing women who showed courage, skill, and energy, just like their husbands, fathers, and brothers. It is very likely that you have not heard anything about these women before, but here are 7 most badass ladies of WWII.
Ancient Egypt is probably the most interesting period in our history. Despite all our fascination with it, and our research into its enigmatic past, there’s still a lot about Ancient Egypt that we don’t yet know.
Every great fantasy story revolves around a hero or villain who wields a marvelous weapon of legend. Some weapons are more legendary than others of course, and it only makes sense that we’d make a list of the most awesome ones.
Some people can reach a level of fame that makes their name transcend time itself, being known by many generations after their death. Usually this is because they did something truly unique in their lives.
Let’s take a look at some queens that had an amazing impact on history – good or bad.