It seems a bit strange to talk about movies and complain about being bored when self-isolating during a worldwide pandemic, but that’s the reality we live in. Healthcare systems are crumbling under the pressure of thousands of sick people and a new unknown virus and we’re told that the only way to stop this and essentially save the world is to stay at home. This in itself sounds like a plot for a movie. But hey, we can’t keep thinking about this 24/7, we need a distraction. Something to take us out of this situation we’re in and give us a different narrative to follow. So here are the best movies on Netflix to watch on quarantine.
1. The Irishman
We’ve all heard about this Oscar-nominated movie, but 3 and a half hours long and some of us just can’t spend that much time sitting down in the cinema when we could be doing something else. Well, now we definitely have the time, so make some of that microwave popcorn, get comfortable and dive into the gangster drama starring the legendary Al Pacino, Rober De Niro and Joe Pesci.

2. Marriage Story
Marriage story is a heartbreaking movie, but sometimes we need something like this to just get all of our emotions out and have a good cry. It’s a story of a divorce that will touch you like no other love story will and it’ll leave you broken yet reborn at the end of it.

3. Kate & Leopold
Now that we got those oscar nominated movies out of the way it’s time for some feel-good classics. If you’ve not seen Kate Leo before you’re in for a great ride. If you have, you already know that it’s a perfect combination of Hugh jackman in period costume being the perfect gentleman and Meg Ryan being a super lucky lady who gets to deal with this confused but very handsome stranger.

4. The Talented Mr Ripley
Matt Damon and Jude Law in one movie, what else could you possibly want. It’s an old-time classic at this point and the plot of this movie is so far from our reality at this point that it’ll feel like a fantasy movie, and who doesn’t want to watch a fantasy about a spoiled rich playboy enjoying his life in Italy starring Jude Law?

5. Crazy Stupid Love
You should just rewatch this movie every year. It’s the perfect rom-com in the best way possible. Steve Carell, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling (and his abs) will provide a perfect distraction if that’s what you’re looking for. They will feel your heart with joy and make you laugh out loud along the way. Must watch, preferably on repeat.

6. Clueless
Leave the reality of self-isolation and dive headfirst into the life of a rich high-school girl whose biggest problem seems to be picking a cool outfit to wear to school using a truly revolutionary computer program. I mean who else had their entire closet scanned? As if! Oh and the other, possibly even more outrageous thing in this movie is Paul Rudd who legitimately looks the same, and this movie came out in 1995.

7. About Time
Another time travel romantic comedy but this one’s different. This movie is made by the creators of Love Actually and Notting Hill – that’s how you know it’s going to be good. The story is hard to explain without spoiling it but Tim, a regular British guy, is let in on a family secret that the men in his family can travel through time. So he uses this to make the girl of his dreams fall in love with him. Is that a questionable move? Definitely. But once you watch this movie you will have so many more questions.

8. Always Be My Maybe
If you love Ali Wong and her comedy, but you’ve already watched every single stand up special and all of her stand up videos on Youtube – this might be the next best thing. A comedy written and produced by her, obviously starring her and the eye candy that is Randall Park, Daniel Dae Kim and a special appearance by Keanu Reeves.

9. The Terminal
Tom Hanks is everyone’s favourite actor, right? I mean have you ever watched a movie with him and didn’t enjoy it? That would be absurd. So basically what I’m saying is that you could pick any movie with him and it’ll be a great choice, but if I have to pick – go for the classic that is The Terminal. It’s heartbreaking and funny at the same time. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll watch Tom Hanks’ filmography in the days to come.

10. Julie & Julia
There are two reasons to watch this movie. The first one is that Meryl Streep is a national treasure and anything she stars in is absolutely brilliant and a joy to watch. And the second is – this will make you feel like you can come out of this quarantine as an actual chef. Just make sure you have food before you start this movie because it’ll make you hungry and it’ll make you want to cook too.

11. It Takes Two
Did you know this childhood classic was on Netflix? Well, now you know. It’s been way too long since you’ve seen little Olsen twins playing identical strangers in a movie. Two little girls, from very different worlds, come together to make two unknowing adults fall in love? What could possibly be better?

12. Outbreak
And if you’re one of those people who doesn’t mind watching a movie about a scary virus in the middle of a worldwide pandemic – this one’s for you. A made-up city in the US goes on quarantine because it becomes the epicentre of a terrifying deadly virus that makes people bleed out of all possible orifices. Watch the medics, CDC and even the military grapple with containing this virus and saving lives. Does it sound familiar?