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10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity


Humans as a race are driven to improve and invent. In fact, since the industrial revolution, the speed in which new inventions have been revealed to the world has increased massively. As we move into the 21st century it is totally unbelievable how fast we have advanced in science, medicine and technology. Will this advancement ever end? Check out these 10 inventions will make us question humanity itself.

  1. Social Media

Yeah we all tweet post and share everything in our lives. Cats, babies, memes, holiday snaps or just plain old moaning. Surely nothing else ever in the history of human life has led to so many of us questioning the state of humanity! Don’t share… Care!

Social Media | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

2. Crocs

Wearing crocs on the beach, in the garden or even in hospitals makes sense, they are functional and get the job done. However, wearing Crocs to the store or restaurant, no self-respecting human would do that surely?

Crocs | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

3. Helmets

Remember the Seinfeld quote? Humans starting doing sports and hobbies that could cause damage to our skulls and brains, then instead of making these pastimes safer for our heads we just invented helmets and kept doing them!

Helmet | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

4. Selfie Sticks

Once a gimmick, never a cool gadget, the selfie stick now inflicts itself on every beauty spot or tourist attraction. No longer do we look at the beauty of our planet we now prefer to put it in our background and don a selfie stick with us pulling a stupid duck face in the foreground.

Selfie Stick | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

5.  Alcohol

Brewed by our ancestors as a way to beat the cold and hard times, now drunk by the litre by many teenagers and adults until they pass out. Every town or city is walked by ‘night zombies’ drinking alcohol and dancing to cheesy tunes! Hugs not drugs!

Alcohol | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

6. Fanny Packs

Practical – maybe, cool or trendy – never! If you are North American then maybe fanny packs are still acceptable but anywhere else on the planet please no. Pockets were invented too and they look much much better!

Fanny Pack | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

7. Socks with Sandals

Yes more deadly footwear, this time we must blame the Germans! Why would you even consider buying footwear designed to be worn barefooted and then wear socks underneath them? To top this, most sock wearers wear white socks too! Surely there is no place in humanity for people that wear socks with sandals?

Socks with Sandals | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

8. Spray on Tans

Surely we have to question humanity when we feel it is necessary to make ourselves looked tanned by spraying on a chemical.  Why do we even think it’s super cool to be tanned? To top this in Asia they actually have a skin whitening cream!

Spray on Tants | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

9. Ear Candles

Yes, it’s true there are humans that light candles and stick the unlit end in their ears. Said to remove toxins surely there are better ways we can do this?

Ear Candles | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries

10. Reality TV

Yes, we have all watched the shows,  people on TV live making absolute fools of themselves. Why? How? Even worse many of these shows are shown on television channels that used to be respected. Television shows used to educate us or help us unwind, now reality shows seem to have replaced these.

Reality TV | 10 Inventions That Make Us Question Humanity | BrainBerries