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22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails!


22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 1
There a lot of people who can’t do a simple job. Who knows what hell they were thinking about. But this simple fact of their stupidity is proven by these epic fails. Every time when you do something just ask yourself. Am I doing it the right way? Because God won’t judge, but people will torment you if you screw up. These ridiculous construction fails will make you laugh so hard that you will forget the last name of your girlfriend. For real. Lol

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 2SOTP, that’s something new

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 4Who needs the door? Nobody

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 5Only one question – how?

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 6Seems legit enough, right?

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 7

House, you are drunk go home, buddy

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 8The Game of Thrones, brace yourself!

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 9This road is breathing, doctor!

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 10Use your superpower to walk through the wall

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 11No way in, no way out

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 12Someone totally overdid his work

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 13Double standards? They are everywhere

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 14If you are not tall like Jordan you won’t get your cash

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 15The best place to make friends

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 16Green light for everyone

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 17Ha ha, words can’t even describe this crazy thing

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 18You had only one job

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 19The best place to talk with your friends

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 20You shall not pass, but…

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 21It’s always easy to find an exit

22 Head-Scratching Construction Fails! 22Keep trying harder if you want to make a call