Movies have a way of stretching the imagination to the point of actually making it believable. They mix in things we know from the real world with elements that are borderline impossible, but blend it so perfectly that for 90 to 120 minutes you gaze at the screen in awe, believing that it could be real somehow.
Let’s suspend our disbelief for a few minutes and take a look at some movie universes that would be nothing short of awesome to live in.
Harry Potter
There’s a small caveat with this one: it would only be cool to live in the Harry Potter universe if you’re an actual wizard. If you’re just going to be a filthy muggle, there’s pretty much no difference between the fantasy world of Harry Potter and real life. And real life just isn’t all that fun.
Back to the Future
Even if you’re not a main character in this movie, didn’t the future in this movie feel a lot cooler than the reality we got today? We still don’t have hoverboards or time travel, which just makes me disappointed in product R&D and physicists in equal measure. You had one job, guys.

The Big Lebowski
Reality doesn’t need to make huge changes to be more appealing than it already is. Imagine life revolving around going bowling with your slightly disturbed friends and never being able to walk into a house where they don’t have White Russians ready to be consumed in huge volumes.

Pulp Fiction
This Tarantino classic sure makes you miss the 70s, doesn’t it. And while it may be a violent world, at least it’s more interesting and enticing than the one we have to live in today. I mean, let’s be honest, is reality truly less violent than a Tarantino movie? All I know is that real life doesn’t have nearly enough John Travolta dancing or Samuel L. Jackson monologue.

While the movie itself made very little sense and was overly complicated in typical Nolan fashion, the idea of being able to enter someone’s dreams does make for some much-needed alterations to reality. There’d be no more wars, just a bunch of people with weird dreams.

The Matrix
Either you live in pretty much what we have right now, or you become a superhuman Kung-Fu wielding fighter for justice that beats up computer programs. Since the option is very much shoved in your face in the Matrix universe, there’s no real downside to having the choice, right?

Star Wars
You don’t even need to be a Jedi to enjoy the futuristic western feel of the Star Wars universe. Granted, having a 1940’s inspired superpower controlling most of the planets isn’t really selling it, but I’m sure most of the people on Tatooine have fun. And imagine living on Coruscant! And leaving it before episode VII starts, I suppose. It’s a bit of a gamble.