We live in a world where everything has to be here, now and as quickly as possible. That’s why binge watching shows is such a popular thing: you never have to wait for the story to evolve as you can just watch episode after episode until you finally see how it all ends.
Here’s a few shows you can binge in about a day. Or maybe more than one day, depending on how many seasons you want to watch.
You’ve probably already seen this one anyway, but you could always rewatch it. And if you haven’t seen it yet by some weird miracle, look at it anyway.

Black Earth Rising
If you want to know more about the genocide in Rwanda and how most European countries react (or better: don’t react) to the things that are still going on in that country, this series sounds right for you. It’s very political, but it’s a great show.

Much like Stranger Things, only German and it deals with time travel shenanigans. Very cool show with amazing characters.

Every season is an entirely new story, so it’d be like binging a new show every time. Each season should take you about half a day to complete, so that fits the bill perfectly.

True Detective
Much like Fargo, this show deals with an entirely new storyline and characters every season. It’s HBO though, so expect it to be a little more violent and dark than Fargo, which is a Netflix show.

This famous HBO show deals with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the investigation into what really happened. It has some chilling imagery and is honestly one of the best shows of the last few years.

The Boys
If you’ve had it with all those superhero movies and TV shows, The Boys is the perfect alternative to this. In this show, the superheroes are the villains and the regular people are trying to stand up to the tyranny of the superheroes. And it has an amazing Karl Urban in it.

Haunting on Hill House
If you’re looking for a horror show to binge, look no further than this one. One of the few horror shows in last years that genuinely had me scared at points – where I usually don’t get scared that easily. Very underrated show, and a second season should be coming out fairly soon so you’d better dive into season one right now.