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7 Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019


Becoming vegetarian is steadily on the rise and gaining more traction in our current food habits. If you want to join the hype and get into a new way of eating, let’s take a look at some reasons why you might want to become a vegetarian in 2019.

No Animals Have To Die

I mean, that’s always a good thing, right?

No Animals Have To Die | 7 Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019 | Brain Berries

It Tastes Good

While vegetarian food was pretty disgusting ten or so years ago, the offer has expanded massively and most vegetarian alternatives are actually quite delicious. Not saying they’ll taste like meat, but it’s not like they really have to, right?

It Tastes Good | 7 Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019 | Brain Berries

It’s Healthy

I mean, let’s be honest, we all know that steak will kill you eventually. Not saying it’s not delicious, but it’s delicious death on a plate. With fries and sauce. And some lettuce.

It’s Healthy | 7 Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019 | Brain Berries

You Don’t Miss Too Much

Apart from some meat-based protein – which you can get out of supplements – you can still get all the nutrition you need from eating veggies and fruit all day.

You Don’t Miss Too Much | 7 Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019 | Brain Berries

You Can Still Drink What You Want

There’s no meat in beer, so you’re all good when it comes to getting your drink on. It’ll almost be like you’re not vegetarian at all.

You Can Still Drink What You Want | 7 Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019 | Brain Berries

It’s Good For The Environment

The meat industry is one of the most polluting industries on the planet. By not eating what it is they produce, they’ll have to lower production and their carbon emissions.

It’s Good For The Environment | 7 Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019 | Brain Berries

You Can Say You’re Vegetarian Too

It’s one of the most obvious perks of the lifestyle, so don’t let it go to waste.