Regardless of how you call this method of public transportation in your country, it’s a freaking cesspool of weird stuff and crazy people. On a single ride to your work in the morning you might see Spider-Man and Batman breakdancing to a choir of cosplayers and furries, all while having a guy pick and eat boogers from his nose right next to you. If you’ve ever wondered why the aliens still have not contacted us – just hop on a crosstown subway. For your own good you might want to consider getting a cab.
Here are quite a few eyebrow-raising instances of human stupidity and just extremely bad manners. Enjoy!
Not even the strangest guy I’ve seen
Either there’s a comic convention in town, or we’re all screwed big time.
*angry sigh*…
When you see it…
Matrix glitching again?
Do I even need to comment on this?
Pikachu used Helping Hand! It’s super effective!
Do you freaking see this? HE SITS ON BOTH SEATS! What an ass…
Blame J.K. Rowling for this!
You don’t like guys in fishnet shirts? Why don’t you tell him that to his face?
You said it, Jerry!
We are no longer the knights who say Ni… We are the knights who say: Icky-icky-icky-icky-ptang-zoom-boing.
The Uncanny Knitman!
Do you really want to know?
I have at least 3 questions…
Japan strikes again!
No time to cook at home, just do it on the subway! (please don’t)
Well, if you can cook on the subway, you can certainly have a banquet too!
Power Ranger taking his Power Nap
*generic and very offensive racist comment*
*slowly backs away*
Ah, I’m in hell then… Well, that explains a lot.
…And then there’s this guy…
Seriously, make it stop!