Site stats 22 Portraits of Love Birds Kissing in the Streets of Paris – Page 2 – Brain Berries

22 Portraits of Love Birds Kissing in the Streets of Paris


Love is not only in the air of Paris, but also on the walls of its buildings! There’s nothing you can’t do in France when it comes to love, affection and romance. The city truly is the most romantic place in the world, although many people might disagree. But try walking around Paris with these gorgeous couples kissing all around you, and we guarantee you’ll feel nothing but romantic.



It’s not the first time Julien Nonnon has decorated the walls of Parisian buildings with art. He’s known for his projections of smartly-dressed safari animals that could be seen all over the city in September, 2015, and now he’s back with yet another project – Le Baiser – that involves lots of kissing people projected onto the walls of Paris.



This urban exhibition is part of the La Nuit Blanche 2016, where the main theme was ‘love’. Julien Nonnon is not planning on stopping there – he wants to project kissing couples all over the world!



All in all there 100 kissing couples projected onto the walls of Parisian buildings. Juliene wants to inspire everyone to kiss!

Juliene Nonnon is reminding people that love has no limits in terms of gender, age or race.



Through his poetic and romantic artwork, Juliene Nonnon is trying to spread love all over the city.

To create his very own ‘library of love’ he asked 100 couples to participate in the project. Yet many more were willing to pose for the artist!



Hundreds of people were writing letters to Juliene telling their heartfelt stories filled with passion, drama and romance.



Juliene Nonnon’s message is simple: ‘Let’s kiss!’

It seems that we are witnessing the birth of a new art form that is beautiful, fleeting and incredibly inspiring.



Paris truly is the city of romance – it’s hard to imagine something like this happening somewhere else!



Julienne has illuminated dozens of architectural facets, facades and walls of the buildings with images of love, warmth and gentleness.

Unlike actual street art and graffiti, Julienne’s kissing couples will be eventually turned off and will only remain in the memories of the people who’ve seen them.



These ephemeral works of art celebrate happiness and love that fills our lives with true purpose and meaning.



Juliene’s projections also remind us about trust that helps people build relationships. After years spent together, it comes natural to all love birds.

It’s also about passion and affection that turns strangers into loving people who really care for each other.



Love is not only about men and women; it is also about friendship, compassion and sisterhood.

The image of beautiful love birds kissing is projected onto the fountain’s water.



All people have feelings and sometimes we need to be reminded of how great it is to be in love.



Do you remember what a kiss tastes like?

A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes you don’t need to say anything to actually say ‘I love you’.



You don’t really need words when you’re close to someone. Your eyes say it all.



Love is the most powerful force that can change people’s lives for the better.