Just because the movie was made a long time ago doesn’t make it bad or unrelatable. In fact, in a lot of these cases, the movies worked with what was available at the time and did incredible things. Whatever was lacking in special effect was made up with suspense and good timing. There’s a reason many of these are considered to be classics, the remakes were just a bad attempt to make these movies more current but instead ended up ruining them with CGI and absolute lack of actual soul. We wish they just left these movies alone.
1. Psycho 1960 vs 1998
The 1960s Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock is considered to be a classic for a reason. It’s black and white and not super graphic but it’s still thrilling to watch. The 1998 version by Gus Van Sant is essentially a shot by shot remake but in color and gorier, which makes you question if it’s even necessary if there’s nothing new to bring to the story.

2. Arthur 1981 vs 2011
If you’ve seen the original Arthur movie there’s really no need for you to watch the 2011 remake with Russell Brand. While the role of a spoiled rich goof might seem very natural to him, it just felt kind of boring and predictable in modern-day times.

3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990s vs 2014
Most of us grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV or reading the comics, so making a movie was definitely a high-risk thing. When the fans are that loyal and there’s an element of nostalgia in the mix, it’s really hard to please them. Which explains why just throwing tons of CGI and Megan Fox into the mix didn’t quite work.

4. House of Wax 1953 vs 2005
What was once a terrifying story of a man who makes incredibly realistic wax figures by killing people and covering them in a layer of wax was remade into a cheap slasher with Paris Hilton in the supporting role. Disappointing to say the least.

5. The Haunting 1963 vs 1999
Martin Scorsese once said that 1963 The Haunting is one of his favourite horror films and the film has been generally known as one of the best horror movies of all time. But the 1999 Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Owen Wilson remake is laughable in comparison. The special effects are bad, there’s way too many cliches and Owen Wilson’s performance is so bad it’s hard to watch.

6. The Wicker Man 1973 vs 2006
The 1973 British horror film starring the late Christopher Lee is praised as a classic, but the 2006 remake with Nicolas Cage it became a meme. You can love or hate Nicolas Cage and his movies, but this one was so ridiculous it’s more of a comedy than a horror film because of how absolutely lame is it.

7. Beauty and The Beast 1991 vs 2017
It’s hard to believe that such a perfect childhood classic was remade with everyone’s favourite Emma Watson and all the available CGI graphics and yet it doesn’t live up to the original. It just seems silly when Emma is the only human in the movie surrounded by lots of CGI. It comes out fake and less believable than the original and it’s hard to suspend your disbelief for the duration of the film.

8. Robocop 1987 vs 2014
We don’t know if the people who made the remake know this, but all the fans of the original robocop loved the movies because Robocop was meant to be a bit bad and not take itself seriously. But the remake tried to be sleek and serious and it ruined the humor and the overall feel of the movie.

9. Total Recall 1990 vs 2012
The original movie went down in history as a great sci-fi movie full of Arnold Schwarzenegger on Mars. The remake, however, missed the mark completely. First of all, why wasn’t Arnie is the movie? I mean Colin Farell is great but he’s no substitute for Arnie. Plus there was no goofiness in the remake which was a loss. All in all, they made a forgettable action movie you might watch once and forget immediately.