Site stats 6 Most Overpowered Live Action Disney Characters – Brain Berries

6 Most Overpowered Live Action Disney Characters


Disney is slowly but surely approaching the time when their IP rights will be made public if they don’t churn out another movie, so it’s no surprise that we’re seeing a boatload of live action remakes of old Disney movies. And let’s be honest – they’re not even that bad.

Since we’re going to see every Disney property again in live action in the next decade anyway, let’s take a look at some of the most overpowered Disney characters we’ve seen in their live action movies so far. Small hint: Tarzan didn’t make the cut, all he does is get raised by apes and swing on vines. That’s not a superpower.

Mary Poppins

Apart from getting a woman in the White House, is there anything Mary Poppins can’t do? That umbrella has more talent and potential than I do.

Mary Poppins | 6 Most Overpowered Live Action Disney Characters | Brain Berries


He’s essentially the Superman of dogs, and Superman is overpowered by definition. Also, apart from being overpowered as hell, Underdog is also the goodest boy of them all.

Underdog | 6 Most Overpowered Live Action Disney Characters | Brain Berries


Malificent is so overpowered she managed to get a sequel despite being a pretty average movie. Then again, I’m pretty sure Disney can take the hit financially. Joking aside, Malificent really is pretty powerful in the movies though.

Malificent | 6 Most Overpowered Live Action Disney Characters | Brain Berries

Davy Jones

Look, you’re immortal and you have a boat that can essentially teleport between dimensions. The only drawback is that you can’t visit solid land more than once every ten years. I wish I couldn’t visit solid land more than once every ten years, people suck. Your only drawback is not having to deal with people. That’s a double win in my book.

Davy Jones | 6 Most Overpowered Live Action Disney Characters | Brain Berries

The Enchantress

Being the main villain of Beauty and the Beast probably isn’t easy, but it’s a whole lot easier if you can seemingly do whatever like the Enchantress can. In fact, she’s so powerful it’s almost a disgrace that she doesn’t win. With great power comes great responsibility, right?

The Enchantress | 6 Most Overpowered Live Action Disney Characters | Brain Berries

Don’t cite the old magic to this guy, because he was there when it was written. Also, he died and then came back again for seemingly no reason. I know Narnia doesn’t really adhere to the rules of the regular world, but spontaneous resurrection is something that I haven’t even seen happening in less grounded franchises than Narnia. And Narnia is already pretty not-grounded.