People are jerks, but sometimes they can be pretty amazing. They can act like real heroes, and their deeds should put a smile on your face and a light in your eyes. I hope these pictures will make you feel better about the world today. If you’ve got some pictures that belong on this list we’ll be happy to see them. Share them with us in the comments.
A fireman rescuing a cat
A boy who survived cancer
Pics of the dog from animal shelter taken one day apart, the difference is impressive
Barbara Soper from Michigan has three children. Believe it or not but her first was born on 08.08.08, her second on 09.09.09 and her third on 10.10.10!
How awesome is that grandpa!
Isn’t this inspiring!
Lovable pet that isn’t a cat
Real men always stay focused!
The Zoo is temporary closed
Faith is all we need
Chinese military parade, there is safety in numbers
New York stays stylish even during a heavy snowfall
An exquisite stop in the cake mall
It’s time to say “Awww!”
A random guy rescuing a random shark
An old lady was embarrassed to wear her nightgown in the hospital, her grandson decided to wear one as well
Teen girl graduates high school next to her terminally ill mother
Girl rescued after being lost for 11 days in Siberian forest
Happy Siberian family having dinner together
An old lady who makes money by selling food at a Thailand floating market
Take care of each other!
Japanese girl, awaiting for the radiation check, greets her dog through the misted window
Hermione knows what she’s saying
A tiny baby boy is pulled alive from the rubble in Nepal
Never get old!